Ten Earth Imps

Usually when my cat is sitting up like that, it's because he's playing with himself. Which we video, because we're horrible people.

It's hilarious because she's had years of training at writing improvised comedy, and she happened to apply that talent to rapping in this instance. I've seen her do some other pretty amazing improv performances as well.

Wow. Nice butt, Nathan.

Because it matters to the purpose of the awards ceremony, and not just to his kids? Thousands of people were throwing up red flags on this online, including me. Klugman won three Emmys, for pete's sake. For the sake of the show, at least mention that Emmy award winners were winners when they pass away. That's sort of

And not just a dis of those pesky illiterate feminists, but a nice dis of Facebook and Twitter, too. Classy!

If Dawkins is a headliner, I'm certain he'd make sure that skeptchick couldn't be there.

There should be, though. I was just saying on another thread that they could do the memoriam similar to a baseball card with a bit of info about why the person was significant enough to be mentioned. short bullet points, somewhat like a baseball card, would be a nice tribute. If they broke the memoriams up and spread

I wish they handled the whole thing differently. Instead of having a few people highlighted, treat everyone similarly, but break it up across the awards - when they're focusing on writing awards, highlight the writers who passed away, along with a card detailing some bullet points of their work. The same for actors,

Given that Monteith himself knew that drugs were bad and told kids that repeatedly suggests that there's more that needs to be done to help drug addicts than just sending messages.

Is your dad's career significant to the development of TV as medium and form of entertainment? because Jack Klugman's was. His acting was groundbreaking and the length of his career was significant to the medium. So when they're handing out awards to people for success in a medium, it stands to reason Klugman would

It would be tasteless to say that his life was less important than Klugmans. It is definitely not tasteless to say that the length and quality of Monteith's work is far less important to the history of television than Klugmans. And that's what the "In Memoriam" is supposed to be about - how the individual contributed

Already saw one of those on twitter!

I agree with BoyHowdy - that crossing the line constantly after being talked to about it throws up all kinds of red flags for me.

Well, that means I can never work for Fox News. Damn, and I was gonna put in my resume there, too. Ah well. #fuckyouFox

And notice that church doctrine is not really changing, just the way they talk about it. So they still think I'm going to hell for banging my wife, since same-sex sex is still a sin, but we're just not going to talk about it anymore. That's not real change; that's just Don't Ask / Don't Tell. Fuck that noise. Call me

And so much of the anti-buzz on this is being couched in "oh, she's a little too old for the role" which is bull, when you do the math. Wonder Woman doesn't have to be 20-something, for one thing. And older men get to play younger parts literally every day on TV and the big screen. The "age thing" seems like a

When it's clear that the only reason for whatever sexual position they are currently in is *camera present* then that ruins the entire thing for me. If you can do it without breaking the fourth wall, you'll have my attention, and not until. #pornisboring

Yep. 15 year-old is an idiot; news at eleven.