Ten Earth Imps

I'd say that Chaz Bono is a particularly inarticulate voice for trans people, and is unfortunately one of the more known faces of the trans community. Laverne Cox is a welcome relief in that she's reasonable and thoughtful and doesn't put her foot in her mouth all the time. I know that "articulate" may be a racist

My fiend are all kind of adult, too, Gwyneth. That's why they're drunk.

Yeah, I'd be okay with this option, too, except that there would be some people who would attempt to free them along the way. There has been a rather vocal public defense of these guys from some quarters.

Commenting to bump this up, because I don't think some people have really read the horrifying details of this story.

The complete brutality of the crime - yeah. Fuck 'em. Hang 'em high.

I know it's not kosher to walk up to gay pre-teens and say "It's okay to be gay! Don't freak out; there's nothing wrong with you."

Do dogs understand object permanence? Mind doesn't seem too. He has some trouble with fetch unless he can see the ball.

That is not my dog, so no, you didn't. That one is cute, though.

I totally dig that you can favorite embedded tweets right from the browser window, because I just did. Thanks, Jezebel.

This. I would wear this one.

I'm just going to reuse this gif all day, apparently.

Nah, the pope isn't that liberal. He's toned down the way they *talk about* their beliefs, but their beliefs haven't really changed. They still think gay people should be celibate and refrain from gay relationships. They're just choosing to highlight the "love the sinner" part of the "hate the sin but love the sinner"

My thoughts:

Dawkins has been problematic on feminist issues for a long time, actually. There are feminists in the skeptics movement who have objected to dudebro behavior on the part of skeptic convention goers, and been summarily dismissed by Dawkins. The feminists then became the target of widespread online abuse because said

Well she is a) female and b) gay, so no doubt she fails at everything.

Didn't she also put razor blades in her fro? (Long before Santana Lopez!) Pam was bad ass.

DAMN. Yay you, for being such a stand-up person.

More than likely, it was poor editorial meddling, but I can guarantee you that the implications of banning a gay marriage were thoroughly explained to those editors by the authors pushing for it. Williams and Blackman have shown they have a clear understanding of the history of gay relationships in pop culture, and

Here are a couple of summaries.

Nah, he said all of them. That's why they're breaking up Aquaman's marriage, too.