Ten Earth Imps

Does it seem unlikely? I'm not sure. I know women who were out lesbians for many years and then changed course and became evangelical, heterosexually-married homophobes, so I'm not sure we can assume where McCray is on the spectrum.

I'm a lesbian, (well, technically, I'm FTM and married to a lesbian, but that's a can of worms we're still sorting through), and this very much still sounds homophobic to me.

Friday Night Lights! You will learn the football and also enjoy the loving relationship of Coach and Mrs. Coach.

Yes! I hate "Ladies" vs. "Men" too! I especially loathe it on bathroom doors in restaurants and pubs. If women have to act like ladies, men have to act like gentlemen.

I finally sorted out football by watching Friday Night Lights. Very helpful in helping me understand the offensive line vs. backs & receivers. Once you catch on to that, the game is much more enjoyable to watch.

It's okay, I will just love you from afar. I'm too lazy to go to Texas.

Wait. Does Burt Reynolds Is My Spirit Guide live in Indianapolis? Please say you do.

I know two gay women who did try out a couple of the early Grindr-like apps and shut them down almost immediately because they were overwhelmingly used by guys masquerading as women to meet lesbians. When the app includes a location-based component the way that Grindr does, it's just not safe to use them.

Yeah, that's how I've heard and used the term - ovaries. We do have them.

For the most part, yes. But judges in the US have awarded people money for use of their picture that's not strictly commercial lately, like this sort of stuff, where someone is making money somewhere, and someone would clearly not have given permission for a photo to be posted.

I really think the laws need to catch up to the "instant upload" situation, because publishing people's photos without their permission, even when taken in public, is illegal for a reason in the US. We need to be blocking apps from uploading people's faces unless the person clicks a "yes, I obtained a model release."

Damn it. I skimmed. Yes, the legal sitch could be different in Ireland.

Yes, it is legal to take pictures of someone in a public venue.

Unfortunately in our workplace, the women get asked, rather than a volunteer taking it on. At least if she enjoys that she has the option.

Sex and gender are not the same thing. We could identify male / female / intersex chromosomal at birth, and let the child identify their gender later.

And it's the women who circulate the birthday cards, order lunches, put together the pitch-in meals and are in charge of social activities.

I doubt that Kwissa's agreement with lulu is any different than mine; although I suppose it's possible. I can't imagine why she would end up signing different boilerplate. You can choose to believe whatever you like.

As I was saying on another thread, I felt like Kwissa had a case for a legal suit against Lulu for pulling the book, actually. I have a book in progress with them, so I consulted my lawyer, who felt she would pursue it if Kwissa were her client, based on looking at the terms of service that I showed her. She's

Yes, I do, actually. I too have an account at Lulu, so I've seen the terms of agreement. You can also by visiting the site. These things aren't hard to find out. I did forward my terms of service to my lawyer along with this article, because I want a legal opinion from her about whether I should continue

That depends on what services she may have paid for, and how they may have used her content to generate revenue. Lulu is like many sites; parts of it are free, but you can opt into all sorts of additional features. They *might* be able to justify arbitrarily removing the book under their terms of service if she only