Ten Earth Imps

I'd still have my weapons. Especially at my coronation.

"we're eating sugary facsimiles of our vaginas."

Yeah, I feel like it would have been nice if they had asked me to clarify what I meant before assuming I was transphobic and lashing out at me. I thought my original post was clear, but it was misinterpreted.

back on the Jezebel story on men and the pauch, we had a lengthy discussion on Chaz and his problematic quotes in the comments, complete with some links.

I would go there. I will always go there.

Dunno off the top of my head. I remember the documentary that Weezer801 is talking about; it's called "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" by Kirby Dick. I'd start there, since they noted a bunch of comparative examples. It would have to be one with an obvious sex scene that would trigger that sort of a gender parity rating

That is some good advice. Dunno if my wife is following it, or if she's just genuinely not at all curious about my sexual history, but she's really never asked in the 9 years we've been together, and I generally don't volunteer any info on my rather indiscriminate college years. We seem to have no issues.

Sort of begs for a shot by shot remake of an r-rated movie with the genders flipped, just to make the point, doesn't it? Let's crowdsource that one.

Thank you for that gif. I have have the most awesome gif collection from Jezebel.

It would be awesome if they tracked this in the buycott app so I could remember this a point of purchase.

But women are very often raped (possibly "most often) by people they thought were friends, when they were at home "safe and sound." So where and when can women actually drink?

Don't drink what? You can stay stone cold sober and have someone drop roofies into your sprite, and when you wake up and have no idea what happened to you, you're still a drunk slut who was asking for it. For being in public, sipping a soda, daring to leave the house, show your face. Unless you stay home and someone

I do like how you never circled back and apologized for your accusation, though. I love it when fake advocates for trans issues can't actually deal with a real person on real terms.

Phillip Roth. Woody Allen.

I think there are some regulations now. This was just before the crack-down, when it was happening all the time.

Yep - not "illegal" just potentially against their policy.

How long are L.A. to NY flights? 5-6 hours? Eh, I could deal. I sat on the tarmac for over 7 hours in Dallas with no bathroom access; I could cope with a little Whitney. Sadly, no one started a sing-along, or helped her vary her song choices. That would have been a more fun day of entertainment.

In general, when you are inside a place of business, even when it is open to the public - I'm going to guess that would cover planes - whether you are allowed to take pictures is at the discretion of that business.

I agree - I've gone back and traced the link back to the original post and then fixed it on some of my pins. I occasionally (politely!) point out when a link isn't a good one when someone I know repins - most people really appreciate that. I know that not everyone has the time/energy to check every link.

I check the links and make sure they go someplace with the recipe or instructions before I repin, but I don't know that everyone does. Still, they may just be trusting the link is there before they go back to cook it. I'm trying to think of a friend who hasn't tried at least something they've pinned - everyone I can