Ten Earth Imps

They have a website, so if it is a CON, they've gone pretty far with it.

From what the writers have said - it's a two-steps forward, one step-back; they've shown that Don knows he needs to change... he just can't seem to bring himself to do it, and he keeps fucking it up.

I watch the show from the perspective of "this is what my mom dealt with" because that's about the era that she was a young adult, and she's quite different than I am when it comes to adhering to proscribed gender roles (I'm the rule-breaker; she gets alarmed when I don't color inside the lines) so I think of it as an

That's trying hard? She may have missed the name of the song, but she could at least identify where the song was supposed to end. He wasn't even cool enough to finish the song.

Sometimes. Often, even. Just not in the case of this drabble he wrote about women and humor.

I learned to shoot a rifle like this when I was 10 at YMCA camp with my Dad. So yeah, it's possible for kids to learn to shoot a gun responsibly. But there's a world of difference between a 10 year-old learning to shoot in a very controlled situation with no other kids around and handing your 5 year-old a gun in the

Yes, when I want to instill safety into the minds of my young kids, I hand them deadly weapons and say "now, don't have any accidents, kiddos, 'cause people will die." Or, you could just give them a glass of milk in a sippy cup with no lid. That would work, too.

Can we pay Bret Easton Ellis not to make American Psycho into a musical? Where's that kickstarter?

So true, about the double-edge sword. Which is why it's so fantastic that CZJ is willing to be public; she is perhaps able to come at it from a place of financial privilege where she can be insulated from the stigma, which lets more people understand.

Wow. She knew more than I know at 45. I suck.

This is a Darwin Award waiting to happen. Hell, half the time I don't trust my own cats not to freak out and eat me; never in a million years would I have one of these.

I thought I had the "new and unedited" version of her diary from several years ago - apparently not, because this wasn't in there!

I love how that's illustrated with 50s era illustrations, because you know - back when women knew their place and all.

Wow - this is one of the first times that I've disagreed with almost the entirety of the commenters. Yeah, this one is offensive, guys. 1) She's the only woman being mocked, and 2) she's being mocked for not conforming to gender norms based on her appearance, occupation and demeanor. That really is sexist and uncool.

We had our bridesmaids do exactly what you're talking about. we gave them some ribbons in colors of our theme and asked them to find something they felt comfortable wearing that was close to those colors. We told them we would pay for anything they had to purchase if they didn't already own something close - our

That sounds like an awful lot of work for the Slacktivism department to take on. If you get bored or sleepy, be sure to take a break. "All work and no play" you know.

Makeup, lighting and photoshop make these photos different, not necessarily plastic surgery.

My grandmother's nursing home had two therapy cats that roamed about popping in on folks and cuddling with them. They were very popular.

If I knew you then, I would have asked you to the prom. If you were into going to the prom with a girl.

I have a friend who could whip one up - let me ask about that.