Ten Earth Imps

Yeah, but when you say "high school sports" the only thing people think of is men's football and basketball. That's the focus of most high school programs because those are the sports that most young men go out for and have been training for since they were tiny kids. Those are the programs where all the college

"but those problems are not related to the vast majority of sports and athletes, especially at the high school level. You suggest taking a meat cleaver to a problem that requires a scalpel."

"The players there were "stars," but they also had to make good grades and be "good citizens," or else coach booted them from the team. No exceptions."

They can bring in money for high schools. Booster money can trickle down from colleges into high school sports programs with winning records, with the hope of cultivating star athletes. And in some communities, sports betting on football and basketball happens on the high school level and infuses booster programs with

In that example, though, my service wouldn't expose the woman online - they'd go to the authorities. Fine line between public shaming and mob justice.

Black athletic socks are all the rage these days. Less visible grime.

Totally buying these. Crocs are one of the few shoes that fit my bizarro short, wide, duck-like feet. Since I started wearing them, all my foot pain and blisters went away. Snark all you want; my feet are happy, and I'm happy.

If I'm recalling correctly, wasn't it Harry who basically stol television from Joan in the first season?

I wonder if I can apply for grant money for this. That would be awesome.

Although those "services" can have that function, I'd rather there be a specific volunteer organization to deal with sexism and misogyny online. Someone on our team, if you will, with a consistent methodology and mission statement. a service like that would have more credibility.

My wishlist: Some free investigatory service that lets women forward online threats like this to be tracked down and exposed and publicly shamed, and if the threats rise to the level of criminal behavior, information to turn over to relevant prosecutors.

Exactly? How hard is it to call a cab? I can answer my own question - I've done it a dozen times. Not to mention they had a rental car - just leave it and get it later. It's a rental. Geez. Not even your own car you're leaving in the parking lot.

You're not old; it isn't you. Making these drastic kinds of user interface changes is never a good idea. Sites that do this see huge drops in user traffic and participation. Best practice is to iterate small changes. This is against everything I've been taught and everything I've observed in my job as a interface

Uh, that's what I was saying, dude. That it often isn't a stranger, but someone the victim knows. I certainly wasn't telling her it would her fault, and I know she would never think that. I'm the one talking about how society gives predators social license to operate, and passing along the "meet the predators" studies

Eh, by many accounts, she didn't have carte blanche even for the last books. And as someone else has pointed out in these threads, she didn't delve into the love lives of any of the professors, really, other than Lupin and Tonks, and that was pretty central to the story. It would have been kind of out of place to

Wow, I didn't think he was nearly as dumb with those answers as they were laughing at. Never thought I'd see myself defending this guy, but he wasn't too bad about his answers. I understood what he was saying - even with the bathroom question. The sink is outside the bathroom door (like in many hotels) so they can

I do pull the wise aunt card a lot. Thankfully they seem to listen to me and absorb what I'm saying without snark or eye-rolling.

Okay; not her sorority. Thank goodness! I hope my niece has more sense than this.

Oh please, let this not be my niece.

The Dumbledore thing isn't a valid point, from my POV as a homo-person, at least not in the way she expresses it here. If Rowling had tried to put that in the books, especially in the beginning, she would have gotten massive push-back from the editors.