Ten Earth Imps

And all of this garbage directed at young women, but not young men, it sounds like? Not that it should be directed at any young people at all, but at least try to pretend you don't hate women and want them chained up in chastity belts while men run around getting their swerve on with free rein. Come on.

Lederhosen are cool. I've always loved them. I would like a pair. [goes of fantasy shopping]

Yes - I've been handing this book out like candy, too. So glad it will be a movie.

Believe it or not, the idea of "taking one for the team" is pretty repellent to most gay and lesbian folks. If you're heterosexual, imagine "taking one for the team."

"Why do we need a separate prize for women, ask the columnists, year after year..."

Great that she looks gorgeous, but what were the details of her talk? I sincerely want to know, not just snarking.

The fact that I haven't finished "in search of lost time" would deter me from quoting Proust. I feel like I should finish before throwing that intellectual weight around.

So, since I'm married to a woman, I can get a bigger salary, right?

But isn't that already a provision of Illinois gun laws? I think it is, but I'd have to double-check. And if it's not what the heck? Seems silly if it's in place for fireworks but not guns.

I don't he went back as far as this early (and cool - I've always loved the skirt) design. He was riffing off of the more recent stuff. I agree about the pants. That struck me as not quite right, too.

How does one prevent that? Guns obtained legally here from gun shows make their way to Chicago. Without federal oversight, how does one enact interstate regulation of the flow of guns? Are you saying Indiana has to regulate, or Illinois? Indiana won't bother, and Illinois can't do anything to control it.

Except that the guns don't stay in one state. Chicago has strict gun laws, but we here in loosey-goosey Indiana ship all of our spare guns up there to promote the crime and what not.

I was perplexed by Germany's tendency to eat lunch for breakfast, with the sausages and lunchmeat sandwiches and what not.

So, her housekeeper wanted to meet Oprah, and Tina Brown is famous and could get her a meeting. Seems like that's a nice thing to do for your housekeeper, if you happen to have an inside track on meeting Oprah. I don't understand Anna's problem with this.

People have been policing culture in ways other than legal since the dawn of time, and very successfully in a wide array of ways. Ostracism, public ridicule, social norms, teaching etiquette. All of these things have worked in the past and will work here, too. I think her methodology was a problem; she should have

yes to all of this - my thought process was rather simple in that comment. The various schools of thought within feminism are rather complex to navigate. It's not surprising that people are reluctant to assume the label sometimes.

It hasn't been brought up, but I think it's lying there under the surface chewing away at Pete. As it should be, because he's a heel. Sadly he's never going to look in the mirror and blame the correct person for that one.

I get the impression that Moss herself is somewhat on the fence about feminism, and thus the description. She's okay with Peggy's brand of feminism, but not the more liberal idealist feminism. I'm not sure if my impression is correct, though. I haven't read every interview of her.

Martha Stewart got thrown in jail for doing what dozens of male CEOs did; none of them went to jail. No one from AIG or Bank of America or JP Morgan got fired or went to jail from for stealing billions - all dudes.

I think in America we tend to simplify things, and replace words that have a whimsical quality, for some reason. I wish that weren't the case; I enjoy the language so much more the way British folks use it. Listening to my toddler niece run to my sister and say "Mummy can I have a spot of tea?" is the priceless.