Ten Earth Imps

Knickers! I love knickers for underwear. It's charming.

And, if you want a real exposure to the intrenched sexism of conflating Lena with Hannah, compare the show (and Jezebel reactions to it) to it's nearest male incarnation, Louie CK.

No, it's not, actually. http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/imr/2013/01/17/girls-autobiography-critical-reception-lena-dunhams-self-representation

What if Jezebel stopped picking on female writers the same way that the rest of the sexist planet picks on female writers and instead supported them?

Solution - the folks who are throwing the proms independently from the school are not allowed to 1) call them a prom and 2) reference the high school in any way 3) advertise their event at the high school. If they violate that, the school takes them to court.

Hannah is a character. It's not based on her. It's not intended to be auto-biographical. It's so weird that people cannot separate the woman from the character she plays, which is, I think, a sign of unconscious sexism.

The original post wasn't worded very clearly - it sounds like the person was offended that people did eat the food at the meeting, not that they didn't. I was responding to the idea that someone would set food out, but then not expect people to eat that food until after the meeting was over. That seemed like a really

I agree with all of what your mom says - but in supporting the feminist movement, you're not becoming a woman. You're becoming a feminist. And that's a cool and desirable thing. We need your help. :)

Like other commenters, I hope you will embrace the feminist label. There are some feminists who think men shouldn't call themselves feminists, but they tend to be of a previous generation, and most feminist thought has refined and evolved since then. The patriarchal culture and enforced gender norms hurt men, too. In

Please, lord, do not let them write Heather Morris' pregnancy into the show. I don't watch anymore, but there's no way to avoid hearing about the debacle that will ensue if they do that. :/

I found that "Good Hair" documentary to be a revelation. I had no idea the amount of time and effort and expense that black women go through to style their hair. It was so nice to know that though, because it broke the ice with black friends, whom I knew had strong feeling about their hair. So I feel that as a white

We needed to know when a family member was going to be released from the hospital after a debilitating illness - we were responsible for fetching them and settling them back into their home. It's not always clear when testing will be done or what the release window is, or whether insurance will cover the hospital

No, I think it was the other way around - etiquette suggests you shouldn't eat during the meeting.

Who does that? I certainly don't, and didn't say I did. Geez, read much?

If i have a pressing need to be on my phone - and there have been legitimate situations, like waiting for information on a family member's health issues - I usually try to explain to the people I'm with why I have my phone out. There are compelling reasons; I like to let people know that I care about their company but

I've never been in a meeting that specifically offered food, but it I were, I would certainly eat. Why waste food? What's the point of their being food? Don't order it if no one is expected to eat. How odd.

yeah - this is SUPER helpful! Thanks!

I've been hunting around for where I read it with no luck so far. :( I need to bookmark these things. I think you're right about the attempts at "edgy."

Exactly - I can see a lot of myself in Betty - she always follows the rules because she was taught that was the way to get ahead. Yet she sees that following the rules never gets her anywhere, and breaking all the rules (like Don) makes you successful and puts you ahead (or seems to, anyway).