Ten Earth Imps

Betty's dad always gave me such a creepy vibe that I suspected that he molested her as a kid, and that he was trying to groom Sally for the same thing. If that were true, then I have huge sympathy for Betty. It would explain a lot about her unlikeability.

I agree; there's a lot of problematic stuff in his books. He seems pretty open to changing his point of view, though. I'd have to go back and find it, but I read an interview where someone called him out on some of his writing and he listened pretty carefully to what they were saying and conceded that he was wrong.

You're right - I had totally forgotten that. I should have looked that up. I wonder why the omitted the puppies that in the explanation? Maybe it comes up later.

Wow - apparently I was more traumatized by the puppy killing than the baby killing, because I forgot about the babies!

What's up with the switch from the books for the Unsullied? In the books it was puppies that they killed, and they had to raise the puppies for a year as a pet, then kill them. Also very sad, so why the change? Are they trying to up the ante by making it dead babies instead? I can't see slavers willy-nilly killing

Argh. I know a couple people who work with monkeys in zoo settings - they hate this sort of thing popping up in the news. Hate it.

We have friends with a dog named Easton West. It's a really cute name. For a dog.

That's certainly true - but it proves the larger point that corporations should be required to pay a living wage to their employees and not cut corners on labor costs by doing stuff like having their customers deliver stuff for them.

I disagree. I think anti-atheism bigotry is the last socially acceptable bigotry in today's society. Nobody gets fired for being a Christian. People do get fired from their jobs for being atheists. And they get fired for being gay or transgender too, so saying these problems are somehow "solved" quite the stretch.

Wait, let me call 7-2-3, (SAD) which is the number for the WHAAAAAAAMBULANCE.

They're Walmart employees, right? Because many, many Walmart employees are paid so badly that they get public assistance, while the company owners are some of the richest people in America.

Pick Jockey. Fruit of the Looms underwear is scratchy no matter how many dryer softener sheets you use with them.

I think she was pretty power mad and lacking in common sense, but she really only went totally off the rails after Joffrey, though. Okay, except for when she was a teen and threw someone down a well. Okay, you're right; Ceresei's really bad. Screw it.

Jaime is awesome? I'm on the fence about that. I know he's basically a product of the times, but he's kind of a misogynist jerkface for a lot of the books. He comes around when he meets Brienne. But he really leaves Cersei out in the wind to hang herself, when a little intervention and common sense talking things

Yes, some men write female characters successfully. Most do not. And those that do it well are often uneven and struggle with getting the character right. Whereas women hit the notes correctly pretty much all the time.Why wouldn't you just get a woman to do the writing then?

I'm picking Jeri Ryan for Jackie Collin's tweet. #fillinyourownanswer

Missed her in Promises, Promises didn't you? So sad for you. She was fantastic.

I have five bucks to give if someone can get that to happen. Let's crowdsource this sucker.

But you can (and I am) throwing characters that don't fit a sanitized view of gay people into stories without their "coming out story" or "angst at society's stigma" being the main focus of their narrative - their sexuality is there and unapologetic, but it's not the story driver.

My parents and grandparents used to say this too. Then I got married to a woman. Showed them. :)