Ten Earth Imps

"When you open a bakery, I want to be your first customer." Fixed.

I have yet to see actual evidence of her racism. People keep posting links to ill-sourced screeching blog posts, but no hard links to her racism in context.

I'd like to hear more about the anthropomorphization of bears, though.

1) I would/did feel pressure because of the way my parents dressed me as a kid.

Oh yes to the funny outfits. I just wanted to point out to folks that even if the baby doesn't know what they're wearing now, they might see it in the future, so the outfits that set gender expectations are still uncool.

But photos of the kid in these clothes could set expectations for that kid in the future. This would have screwed with my head.

1) the kid might not understand the 'billboard' on their clothes now, but they'll see photos later and be influenced by their parents expectations.

You're dissecting a two paragraph joke she made. Come on, guys. I know it's fashionable to hate on Lena Dunham, but if we parsed any of the comic writers Jezebel actually respects, all of their jokes would fall apart under this close scrutiny. I get it that you hate Lena because she's young and female and successful

I think it would, if it included actually quotes with a little context instead of paraphrasing of what she said. There's too much left open to interpretation, and I'd have to hunt down each specific instance and observe it to decide for myself before I'd be comfortable agreeing with the article.

The fact that they were talking about it and gossiping, taking pictures and sending them to friends tells you they knew what was going down wasn't right, even if they didn't know to call it rape.

autocorrect problem?

Aw. :(

Since 1994, and here too.

Could I go on this date to... er... applaud when you guys do something fun? Or, hold your coats & purses? I just want to be nearby, being helpful and hopefully not creepy.

All of these photos seem to be pretty badly lit. When you make the really pretty people look slightly sweaty, you're not doing it right. PR, get on that.

I disagree pretty strongly with that statement. Those kind of sexist gay guys very often do drag, in my personal experience. There is a segment of guys who do drag as a mocking of the female experience, especially here in my local community in Indianapolis.

That's Sady Doyle's writing - one of the brightest witches of our age. Smart, smart girl.

Damn I wish they had linked those captures to the actual tweets or persons responsible because it would be so satisfying to click through and blast them.

I was exactly the opposite - I was irritated with Hannah up until I could see the real signs of mental illness. Once it because apparent what she was struggling with, I was able to empathize. I dealt with a girlfriend with a fairly profound mental illness - one I didn't know about or understand until we had dated

I know what you mean - I don't want to dictate what young women should wear, but how much higher can skirts really go?