Ten Earth Imps

Eh. I've seen/heard better drag adaptations of pop songs. It's funny now that this stuff is on YouTube, people are marveling over stuff we enjoyed in gay bars in the 80s. It's fun, but it's all been done before.

I feel like I'm making this comment for the third time this week - if the majority of the people don't get your satire, it wasn't well written. It's not the fault of the audience that a satire piece falls flat. It's the fault of the writer.

God I fucking hope so; I really want this thing I'm writing to sell.

"they're tapping into America's collective yearning for its worshipped athletes to be pure, to be somehow incapable of committing a crime like rape."

I used to wear a button around my college campus that said "disarm the rapist." It was not popular. But I still think that.

That's a good idea.

Yep, doing great. Had my mitral valve birth defect repaired. It was worth it to be really heart-healthy for the first time in my life - I can actually do strenuous exercise now - but boy did that surgery suck hard.

I searched for a campaign on Indiegogo hoping someone that knew the victim had started one already, but sadly the only thing from Steubenville, Ohio on that site is a couple of "send me to preach in a third-world country" campaigns. I think whomever started something would have to know the victim and how to transfer

My favorite part of all this (not that one should have a 'favorite part' really, but...) is all of the utter morons tweeting about how terrible these guys are being treated, in terms that make it clear that they're probably rapists themselves. They learned nothing from this incident where guys got caught by their own

Actually, doesn't Indiegogo lend itself to that better? Kickstarter has to be a creative endeavor. Indiegogo can be fundraising for personal reasons, so this would work for her.

Yeah, +1 on that. I'd kick in some money.

Agreed. While my rape affected me, and still affects me a little, it mostly makes me angry anymore, not traumatized and disfunctional. I'm far more emotionally affected by my open-heart surgery - that was some serious traumatic shit.

Especially since he didn't take the photos, did he? Other's did. So he's blaming his friends for getting him in trouble.

Yeah, what Burner1414 said - a parent/child relationship as awesome as Bert Hummel/Kurt Hummel, but *years* earlier.

I've found that the satire sweet spot is when about 75% of the readers realize that it's a joke before they get to the comment window. It requires just one moderately-over-the-top line fairly early on that triggers a "wha?" and makes them realize that the author isn't serious, then all the other zingers should just be


That's nice of you to wait. :)

No Wills and Harry, though. And the George and Ed we'd have instead wouldn't be much to look at, would they?

Yes. But it's still funny.

No, it won't. I could teach her, though. Just sayin'.