Finally I’ll be able to beat some Mario Levels!
Finally I’ll be able to beat some Mario Levels!
There are tons of people who act like games are the second coming any time anyone outside the culture begins to criticize them. They circle the wagons and cross their arms and refuse to hear any disparagement, regardless of how reasonable.
As someone who’s been there since day 0, just a couple corrections:
If getting stuck in a pool for hours because you can’t climb a ladder is a mark of progress, then Twitch Plays Dark Souls
A full fireteam of Twitch chat. The ineptitude on display would be amazing.
Totally calling it for Next Expansion:
Sorry man, I know you tried. You really did. But ‘MBSAHO’ isn’t gonna be a thing.
The game will now be part of Fabulla Nova Crystals, Lightning, Snow and Serah can join your party. Also, it’s name is changing to Lightning v. Cloud: Final Fantasy XIII-VII.
Also, how can you have the second original sin? Can’t there be only original sin? At that point, it should be called “Divinity: The Second Sin” or “Divinity: Shit, we did it again, didn’t we?”
More like Divinity Unoriginal Sin am I right
My only gripe is that “Divinity: Original Sin II” sounds dumb as a name.
Better looking armors, for the love of gods!!
I still need to play this. And Pillars of Eternity. And finish Witcher 3. And soooo many other games in my backlog.
Why do these international trade deals always favour corporations more than peoples rights and even benefits for the countries in the deals?
SPOILERS! The game hasn’t even come out yet!
It’s hardly plagiarism since he had to recreate it literally pixel by pixel. I was just surprised that I recognized the scene from somewhere.
And Final Fantasy XIV keeps growing stronger. ;)
I loved the battle system. I know plenty of people who hate that “it plays itself”, but that was a feature for me. Much better than XIII et al. (Pro-tip, guys - if I make somebody a healer, I’d like them to *actually heal me*.)
Wasn’t speaking of the gameplay, which I too found pretty good (especially with the added content of the International Edition). It was the plot’s execution which was lacking.
Man, as long they eventually remake FFIX. That’s the only one I really want remade.