We can already summon hurricanes and cause earthquakes, if the magic motion picture box is to be believed.
We can already summon hurricanes and cause earthquakes, if the magic motion picture box is to be believed.
I for one approve of no flying. The taxi’s are faster, automatic, and they allow you to do something else during flight.
Actually it IS the original Game Boy. I took my handy dandy calipers and measured it all.
The only reason why I wasn’t able to finish the back part is because I had less than a month to complete it from start to finish and that included figuring out how to do it all in 3mm MDF. Reason was that I’m still studying and…
Still smaller than the lynx
This is definitely a sleazy move designed to mislead. It’s taking advantage of the fact that people skim through and zone in on lower prices at a glance. So while it states on there whether tax is included or not, the inconsistencies allow them to trick consumers into viewing their products first and foremost, and…
In my book it would be fine if they displayed everything one way or the other, but to have some products with vat and others without is just misleading.
I mean in America it’s basically assumed any item features is always without Tax mainly because every single state in America has it’s own tax rate...
Would be pretty impractical to list the individual price of the game for every state out there.
Well outside America advertising prices without including taxes is viewed as a shady practice at best and a crime at worst.
Hah, this is fun. I love when devs play around with faux projects.
Btw, just started the free trial for FFXIV to try it out. Any tips for things you guys wish you’d known when you started? (Seasoned MMO vet, btw, so general MMO stuff is second-nature).
I don't think devs really have more say than others when it comes to labeling a genre/type of game. If there are a good number people calling it freemium (regardless if they are a developer or a player), then it becomes the de-facto label.
How is this a misuse of Kickstarter?
Why do people keep treating Europe like it's one big country?
You mean like parts of New York where the Hasidic and Orthodox Jews have legally unaccountable police forces and don't have to obey the law?
Probotector ist sowieso cooler ^^
Who wants to play as 2 muscular guys? You can play as robots! And Botect people I guess
No, I don't think so. People with a certain background in video games really struggle with Elder Scrolls. I mean, there are a lot of parts of Elder Scrolls that kinda aren't good. Just on their own. The storytelling is kinda bad. The NPCs move like awkward puppets poorly scripted, and these games have always had…
I'm just going to follow you around on the article, starring all of your posts.
You seem to have missed his point.
It's all about principle. The justive system isn't supposed to be based on emotions.
It's not supposed to cherry pick who's human and who isn't.