
I thought about this just yesterday when I was rumbling through old stuff in my basement and found the manual to Diablo II. Don’t know why I kept that, but not the box, but probably it had something to do with the awesome art and guide to the history and geography of Sanctum.... I miss stuff like that.

Stuff like this is one of the reasons I follow Kotaku.

I’ve been wondering the same thing. Like, are there no groups with 0 women or 2+ women?

And while I know it is, at least seen as, a mostly (straight) male dominated hobby it always surprises me a bit. In the gaming groups I play straight men are always in the minority, and it’s often close to 50/50 between the sexes.

That is so beautiful. I mean look at that! But why does it make me feel nauseous? Like for real. Like motion sickness. Am I getting old? Am I turning into my mom? Suddenly I’m scared of the future.

Oh my. That’s such a big sword he has. (^-^*)

I don’t say that’s what they mean to say. It’s just how it sounds to me (the soul thing). Might be that I’m not a native speaker so the context in which I’ve learned the word hasn’t included a more mundane connotation.

Awww. I <3 Nintendo

I can’t get over the term “fulfillment center”... It sounds creepy and very orwellian to me.

The internet is a wierd and wonderful place.

And if someone finished the game without hands I think I’d be impressed.

Or maybe he played it just enough? Just sayin’.

This is a cool thing to do.

Screw the laptop. I want Devastator.

You’re right he’s really fun but I think I’m just not a good enough player. I suck at these kind of games I tend to mash buttons and look at all the flash. I love flash and I love Transformers......

Grimlock is fun and surprisingly cute in his dinoshape. His control scheme is a bit confusing though. I keep picking things up when I try to run fast.

If this game has a soundtrack even near the quality of Mega Man 2 (and 3) it will be worth any wait and any shady pr-practices.

I agree completely :)

It might be true that they are even more underpaid. But one group of workers can’t better their own conditions by opposing another group getting fairer treatment. It’s actually the opposite, if the VAs are succesfull then programers and developers can say: “if they get that, then so should we”

What developers should realise is that by siding against the voice actors they’re actually hurting themselves. If they also unionized and made demands towards the companies that employs them, then perhaps they could get bonuses as well.

They wont get any more money by trying to stop voice actors demands for better

Of course it shouldn’t be a factor. And I don’t think that is a big one either, though there will always be those sad exceptions that prove the rule.

One thing to remember is that you probably made $200 the next day as well, while they might go longer until they get an income again.