Strong agree but I’m also really looking forward to Krasinski & Blunt as Spooky Thriller Action Parents:
Strong agree but I’m also really looking forward to Krasinski & Blunt as Spooky Thriller Action Parents:
I read that they chose the ‘come what may’ song because she had some uncertain health results and they wanted to express their emotions about it (she’s apparently ok now). Probably a dramatized version of events but damn if it didn’t make me FEEL THE FEELINGS seeing them gaze into each other’s smoldering eyes, then…
It’s perfectly appropriate to post wherever because it’s true. Thanks for stating the case so well, your articulation of this issue is extremely helpful - I’ve been searching for the words to express a similar feeling about someone in my real life. Much appreciated.
I mean, her whole schtick is her perpetual victimhood, even as she disparages our most vulnerable people or institutions. She’s never responsible for the unfair attacks leveled against her for the Completely Right and Fair Opinions she expresses, it’s our fault for reading her words and not agreeing or praising her…
So, it’s obviously cruel, gross and stupid as fuck to terrorize the family members of someone you disagree with but this story also makes no sense? The letter of unknown origin was addressed to Vanessa Trump and arrived at her apartment...so she picked up her mail, took it to her parent’s place, then gave it to her…
I hadn’t really thought about it, but you’re totally right about Jon. I’m glad they didn’t end up together now! I forget the name of the badass princess he did end up marrying, but I loved her too.
I didn’t realize that! I thought because he was already ‘king of the thieves’ or whatever, he had to have been an adult when they met but if he was a teen, I take back a bit of my ire. I did love them as parents, I thought she wrote a very healthy dynamic for them in whichever book it is where their castle is under…
Ooo, tell me why you hate the dragon! it’s been a long time since I read the books but I think I liked him because he had a female mentor and he was tough but not handsome...though he did get mad when she wore a dress, which was lame. Anyway, I’m always down to reevaluate my opinions.
yesss, so much grooming. Daine deserved better, and her parents were way too cool with the whole thing!
Give her a break, she cried for a whole ten minutes before calling the newspaper and jumping on her next flight to make it home in time for dinner. Ten minutes is like, so many minutes to be in a bathroom stall. Clearly she has suffered enough.
Fiona Apple has dealt with some serious, serious shit in this industry. I want to hear more from her, always and forever.
This happened to me over and over and over again. One of my best buds (so I thought) was driving me back from a movie and confessed his feelings. I told him I didn’t feel the same way but loved him as a friend...he kicked me out of his car on the side of the road, two miles from home, in the dark, in the winter. He…
Those shoes on that floor make me extreeeeeeemely anxious but otherwise I love everything about this. Everything!
I’m going to cry real tears if they don’t name at least one of their children ‘Best’.
And also trump reportedly has seen it and *hates* it, which makes him resent sessions even more than he already did. Not unlike what McCarthy did to Sean Spicer, having a woman portray a cabinet member really seems to get under trump’s simultaneously leathery/paper-thin skin. That must be deeply rewarding feedback for…
This guy is like a wild animal! Are those full sugar cokes?! **TWO** of them? A man this out of control needs to be held accountable for such reckless consumption, and frankly, everything about this wholesome sing-a-long is suspect.
This was actually addressed in one of the articles I found (I did a real deep dive when I first heard the proposal), and the reasoning is that Harry is the ideal candidate because he best ‘embodies the spirit of the motherland’. The list of his traits was hilarious and included everything from fame/charm/bravery to…
My favorite nonsense story about the royal family is this one. Basically, there’s a small movement in Russia that wants to recruit Harry to be their king, since he’s distantly related to their last one and having him on the throne would restore the country’s dignity and create international excitement. They’d call him…
We were warned.