
the memory of our whole city mourning/celebrating him in purple, the bridge lights, clothes, windows covered in cloth, the ribbons on everyone’s cars for weeks...it all still brings a lump to my throat. It was such a beautiful community tribute.

“there is time to allow for a more creative environment...

This is just a silly one but here goes - One year when I was living in LA, I was invited to the most amazing super bowl party of all time. A guy I’d been nerd-buds with back home had stuck it *huge* as a movie producer, in large part owing to his extreme dorkness and bringing a fantasy series we’d loved as youths to

Honestly, she’s terrifying in a way I can hardly explain. But here’s one thing about her that truly shakes me deep:

‘Well sure she’s still viewed as a tradable commodity by her father and her inherent worth is based on her virginity but she DOESN’T LIKE IT even more this time around’

At the least, Abu is cute.

late to the thread here but totally agree. Maybe even a B- because I was just flat out annoyed...how do you cast Carrie Coon and not have her end up being the mastermind villain? the setup for it is SO PERFECT, but either way, she is criminally underused in the movie.

Yes indeed. I mean, the Deadspin vs. Jezebel ‘Who we’re voting for’ event was as clear as day, I remember reading those two posts back to back and my jaw actually dropping! It’s fascinating to see what the respective take-aways are, two years later. I guess for The Dudes it’s: ‘maaaaaaan, those witches didn’t even

I loved Blindness (both book and movie) but it was so grimly claustrophobic and upsettingly realistic that I couldn’t enjoy it very much. This looks like a fun, scary adventure in the growing genre of sensory depravation horror. It doesn’t seem like a rip-off of other stories, more that it is building on a familiar

I see what you’re saying but if you just delete a man’s name completely from his work - especially good, complicated work like this - eventually the context will fade? And I imagine if you got excited about a movie description and then found out later it was directed by Roman Polanski, it would be frustrating and

ok fine but still, 100% Aunt Janet researched & paid for Luke’s LASIK, drove him there and cared for him after so if that’s the case, it really emphasizes my point. Aunt Janet is a saint.

I hope it won’t get Helen killed.

I get that these reviews had to be pumped out quickly but it’s a little odd how little Helen has been mentioned, considering how much time this season has devoted to her. Her story has dragged on and on, and even her quick turn as an ash-tray murderess couldn’t make it interesting. That could be on the actor, who

After the secret-vasectomy story, I would like to think it’s because he’s the weakest and most morally corrupt of the bunch, thus most likely to succumb to the ugliness and depravity the house is drawn to. But I doubt that’s what the writers meant.

Truly. No other issue the siblings have is as nasty as that one - it takes the discipline of a true, cold-hearted sociopath inflict that kind of invisible pain on another person, and then to perpetuate the lie long enough for her to possibly run out the clock on her own fertility. When other acts of violence or lapses

Overall I think this series has done an ok job not siphoning the characters off into gendered stereo-types but that conversation in the basement made my skin crawl. It was one man telling another how all the women in this house go mad, especially for babies, and they are blind to it but the Men can see, with their

Agree! Hugh’s and ghost-Liv’s eye-rolling and the disdainful way the adult children refer to her (I really only remember that one story about how she tried to gently correct Nell’s use of a childish word, you know, like a PARENT MIGHT HELPFULLY DO), seems totally disjointed with the apparent love and care she lavished

OH and one more thing I just realized...can we also address the true horror story at the heart of this tale? No, not the crazy man bricking himself up in the basement, it’s the lonely little girl who was imprisoned in a tiny, isolated cabin in the woods, left alone *all day* while her parents went to work at a place

It for sure happens when a teacher recommends a kid see a psychologist or social worker, especially if the child is at-risk or in foster care. My sister is a kindergarten teacher and when she reports disturbing behavior or a decline in development, it doesn’t matter what the guardians want, the kid gets sent to a

I grew up in a prohibition-era house with hidden rooms in the basement, lost a parent early and have siblings that have kept secrets for 20+ years so I saw this trailer and was like ‘hmmm, that seems relatable!’ but honestly...it was a struggle to get through the first half of the first episode. I’m glad I did because