
I’m sorry but WHAT ABOUT AUNT JANET?! How can people go on and on (and on and on and on) about family, closeness, commitment, the bond of blood and totally forget about the apparently single woman living her own life who had the time and resources to take in *five* children and raise them to be basically competent

I’ve honestly been impressed with Kim’s work on prison reform and prisoner advocacy. She’s putting the work in behind the scenes, not just for attention. My optimistic mind wants to believe she is using Kanye’s sycophancy (which I do believe is genuine) as a shield to actually try and do some good. I would imagine,

disagree on Pence being useless. He might not be a heavy hitter politically but he brings in the big-BIG Jesus money. The problem might be that he’s compromised, there still isn’t a very clear picture on why Manafort faked that plane malfunction to get Trump & Pence together. It was real shifty and a very sudden pivot

My dream ticket is Klobuchar/Duckworth and if any god out there is listening, I swear on my life I will quit my job and devote every waking minute to their success if you’ll just make that happen. thanks in advance. 

Also, in the film version of Mansfield Park, the source of all this aristocratic wealth is explicitly, traumatically and unequivocally laid out. Those dudes in their ascots were soaked in the blood of slaves and basically everyone fancy came from families that either owned plantations or exploited poor underclass

We’ve always had high regard for Nixon in my family because we’re Native and he truly did more for us than any president until Obama. The old law of the land, the conventional wisdom, was literally ‘termination’, or you know, extermination. Native women were forcibly sterilized, their children stolen, whole tribes

Honestly I’d bet that somehow their citizenship was tied into the pre-nup. Why else wait this long? It’s weird.

Honestly, with all the shit going on and everything she’s been through in the last year, Ariana’s earned an adorable big sober dick. I hope those two baby goofballs make it.

yesss - i graduated in ‘03 and looking back, I cannot believe the jokes I laughed at, the things I put up with to be included, or the *CLOTHES I WORE* (less important by omg, so grim). Dudes constantly calling everything gay, casual and constant racism, abortion jokes, friends whispering about guys who you had to be

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Ewan McGregor also had this really chill philosophy where he took projects that interested him, from major studios to film students. Basically if you could get it on his desk and he liked it, he’d do it, even if it’s just a one-shot short. So the same year he did Star Wars, he also took the time for this weirdness:

Completely agree - I could not be more sickened by the coverage of the father’s words, and the many, many headlines that imply that the girl(s) brought it on themselves.

He and his wife wrote this book when they were dating, back when he was newly bro-ing down with Eric Trump. It’s too boring a story to share why I know this dumb fact, but regardless, I feel like he should always be labeled as “Former Trump campaign official and author of Where to Date in D.C.”.

Well then I’ll bet you’ll love this one!

I took my sister for her birthday (she’s 29) because I read her the book out loud when we were wee and it has always been our special thing. As we walked out, we agreed that it was maybe not such a great movie but it was a really fun experience. I really appreciate what DuVernay did here because it reminds me of The

My sister lives in WI and I worry about her all the time because she has some of the most vile, harmful and hateful men alive in charge of her safety (she’s a federal employee, a kindergarten teacher to be exact) but DAMMIT THIS WOMAN GIVES ME THE HOPE OF A THOUSAND SUNS. If she was in charge, I would sleep easier at

I dunno, this looks shmaltzy as hell but I feel it. My sister is a new mom (also her mother in law just moved in because she has late stage cancer), and she going through such a hard time just trying to keep her kid healthy, career going, marriage stable, herself sane. She called me yesterday while she was walking her

I think it would also be awesome if that actor’s next role was just some dude, not a trans man. That, imo, is what we should be working towards.

Honestly, this is the most gorgeous look of the night for me - it inspires my inner elf child who imagined ageless ethereal beings floating through the forest. I can’t believe a person could be graceful enough to wear such a garment, it would take me less than two steps before I would puncture that glorious gauzy hem

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This is by far the best Trump sketch SNL has done because it is the truest.

Pence is way too dumb to know how to keep himself out of this. Someone like Tillerson, sure, he’s probably kept his emails vague and his meetings secret because he’s a pro at being sneaky. But Pence? Pence is a fool. We only have to look at his record as governor to see that he has NO idea how government