It seems like Brooker looked at the success of last season’s “San Junipero,” a love story in which two women meet in a virtual playground for the dead, and wanted to toy further with ideas of letting one’s consciousness live on.
It seems like Brooker looked at the success of last season’s “San Junipero,” a love story in which two women meet in a virtual playground for the dead, and wanted to toy further with ideas of letting one’s consciousness live on.
She is extremely correct. Take, for example, Fury Road, arguably one of the greatest action movies ever made. Also an ecological disaster. Some have argued that the sacrifice of a delicate and ancient eco-system was worth it because an immortal legend was born and art created. But would they defend it if the movie had…
“Wahhhh she wrote something that upset me, and she’s a female, so Imma just gonna scream about the word ‘mansplaining’ and comment endlessly about it”.
There was a pretty credible rumor that she pursued Jessica Lange during Season 2 of AHS. It would have been just after Sam Shepherd had dumped Lange to marry a 20something student, which must have sucked but can you imagine anything in the world more flattering or sexier than being intentionally seduced by Sarah…
If there was a corporate tax, people wouldn’t need to save and sacrifice since there would be a safety net.
That’s exactly the opposite of what I’m saying. I’m literally saying “they lived a hard life so that I didn’t have to”. It would be unjust to deny everyone the opportunity to provide for their children just because the uberwealthy have taken advantage. I’m not saying what is in place is any good or that saying shitty…
This idea is even more tyrannical than the system you are railing against. So my mom dies and the next day, everything she ever earned just vanishes into the common pot, to be divided up by a faceless bureaucracy with no thought or care for her own wishes? That is not liberty, freedom or fairness. That is cruel and…
aw, that makes me so happy he ended up safe and loved! My girl is like that too, just stops eating and drinking when she’s upset, it freaks me out. But running free on a ranch is the perfect life for a dog, especially these big sensitive shepherds. Thanks for sharing =)
like little puffy hooves! also...look where his thumb is.
I don’t recall seeing this as an issue with TouchID
My biggest problem with Face ID is that I have ‘one of those faces’. People come up to me all the time thinking I’m a friend only to say ‘weird, you look just like her!’. And I’ve met women who could be my sisters, and we laugh about it because they go through the same thing. To my dear doppelgängers - I trust you…
Oh god, that brings back a terrifying moment when I was working at a pet-friendly local shop and this lovely couple came in with their extremely muscular, heavy jawed pitbull. As they were paying for their purchase, another customer had lost track of her five year old while shopping and the little girl marched…
I adopted my purebred white german shepherd two years ago - she was purchased at an Amish breeder auction in rural Iowa by an underground rescue team. She had been kept inside with just a small cage and a tiny run for almost five years. She had never felt rain, heard birds, hardly even seen the sun. It cost me $500…
one of the details burned in my memory from this case is that they found pine needles inside her vagina. it was a brutal assault, and I guess, according to his lawyers, right out in the open. He did it because he could and because he did not fear the consequences.
This is the most relatable thing I’ve read in a long time and honestly, it makes me feel pretty good. I’m also 32 and every segment pretty closely resembles my own routine; it’s cheerfully refreshing to see someone else rolling confidently along sans bronzer or a fancy hairdryer. Exactly what I needed on an otherwise…