

What’s weird is that if you look back to 1917, women were having an eerily similar conversation about men and alcohol. About how their husbands would get wasted and then beat them up. And how shitty that was, and also that they should have a say in whether or not that it legal. Prohibition was closely tied to women’s

Ugh. What a setback. I wonder what Amy Klobuchar is feeling, she must be so frustrated and angry. I know I am.

I’m willing to bet that his resignation is in the works, but the DFL will wait to announce it until they have a fully vetted and prepared candidate to replace him, probably a woman, which seems like a great idea.

also read this op-ed she wrote...what an amazing role model. Think of all the good these two people are going to do together! It all makes me so happy.

My friend, your knowledge of royal tiaras is absolutely delightful and I hope you keep us informed on any other tidbits like this as the wedding planning stories pop up.

She’s Canadian too?? We can all claim her! If ever there was a People’s Princess, it’s this woman who apparently represents all that is triumphant and awesome in the world.

I have no idea why it was on for as long as it was.

(Same logic goes for any woman who *wasn’t* groped on the set of Entourage.)

There are so many problematic relationships in these books but I think the reason I related to them so deeply was that they reflected many similar ones in my own life. The majority of the mentorships are definitely weird! I mean, George and Alanna was hella uh-oh; he was an adult when he met her as an eleven-year old

WOMAN THERE IS A NUMAIR BOOK?!? Bestill my quivering teenage toes, I am here. for. that.

My lady, yes! That is why those nice guys are the sneakiest! You trust them because they play along but underneath they are seething with resentment. In some ways, that is scarier than a more physically intimidating man. I think The Fall did a good job illustrating that with their killer; he was so small, handsome,

I knew Goldblum pretty well for a while, and everything about his legendary charisma is true. But that’s also why I feel comfortable throwing a flag up and saying he should not be on the list of saints. When I met him, he was in his 50's and sober, but had rode high on fame for decades. I like the guy, I’m happy he’s

Really? I found his character of Ed so creepy, the way he was always scoping out his step-daughter, how he talked to Bonnie, but all the while holding himself up as this perfect man. Scott’s whole performance just felt insidious to me (which is why I think he’s such an amazing actor), but for a while I def thought

haha, wow. I lived in that house. heya!

Because of Michelle.

I hate to tell you, genuinely I am sorry - but I would lower your expectations to Obama and The Rock. Ruffalo/Goldblum/Cranston are pretty well known in the whisper network as being handsy and short tempered, which is not a good combo. I’ve not heard that they’ve ever really crossed the line but I don’t want your

It’s simply nice, dude. Have you never just been happy to hear that other people are happy?

He also minimized his actions to ‘making people uncomfortable’ and ‘unwanted hugs’ but from what I’ve been reading, it goes way beyond that. So he got ahead of it juuuuust enough that he doesn’t have to address the sordid details of what he did, but still coming across as contrite. One more self pitying, cynical and

Why...isn’t it? They’re a celebrity power couple and her whole brand is that she’s a super chill lifestyle icon, who cooks easy, great food and is open about not being a perfect mom. They are nice and funny, and I for one, am delighted to hear this happy news in a shitstorm of ugly.