That’s what happens when you fuck with a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox and expect to get away with it.
That’s what happens when you fuck with a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox and expect to get away with it.
...why do people love Beyonce so much?
Look man, I’m sorry a person you like turned out to be a creeper. I don’t cheer the downfall of a career just because I like to watch the world of men burn, but I believe the guy was taking advantage of his power and position in more ways than one. I think there are signs a person’s ego has gotten the better of their…
Is it such a hot take though? I mean he literally just sabbaticaled-in-disgrace for lecherous conduct. Doesn’t seem like a stretch to connect an action I found obnoxious and intrusive with a man who is openly admitting that he doesn’t understand boundaries.
Oh, you’re totally right - they should ABSOLUTELY foot the bill, and do it happily because it’s what’s right and fair. Obviously they aren’t going to do a single moral, good or ethical thing for the American people or their own fucking child so it’s all just ashes in the ear anyway. I just can’t help a knee-jerk…
I have hated him since he inserted a smug intro of himself onto every Miyazaki-Disney DVD. He had nothing to do with those films, he did not ‘discover’ them, no one needed his opinion in order to better enjoy them. The fact that you have to watch it every time you play the movie stinks of thoughtless entitlement and…
I hadn’t seen this, it really does tell a whole story. The Obamas did so much to give the girls a normal, supportive childhood and it’s such a stark contrast to what this kid is going through. I wish they’d just let him and Melania go back to New York, to his familiar home, his school, his friends and his privacy. It…
Good lord, my maternal heart goes out to that poor boy. I really hope that next year (if we make it that far), they let him off the hook and have Ivanka’s kids do the kid-duty instead, as they are co clearly more comfortable being in front of people. I loathe every single adult in that family but the kids are innocent…
I know what you mean. I just can’t come forward yet, the shame is still so heavy and I weirdly feel like if I talk about it publicly, I’ll never be free of it, even though I’m not free of it now keeping it private. This thread sums it up pretty well, including the part about going through the process as a kid and…
Will Ferrell doesn’t strike me as a very strong ally for women in his orbit. How often has he worked with a woman director, writer, or even starred in a movie where a female co-star got equal screen time? Not that he’s a bad guy, he’s probably horrified by the rampant sexism coming to light but doesn’t seem super…
As far as curses go, that’s a pretty work-appropriate one.
Well said.
This comment section is more terrifying than Jezebel Halloween, I swear to fucking god I am sitting here with chills, creepy crawlies and squirmy-wormies. I WOULD RATHER BE HAUNTED BY MURDER GHOSTS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE THAN GO THROUGH ANY OF THE SHIT I AM READING HERE TONIGHT.
When I was a baby, my mom had me in a carrier as she went into the shed to check on something. She pulled the cord to the lightbulb and looked up to see a HUGE wolf spider perched directly above her face. She froze as long as she could but finally had to move because I was fussing...and the spider instantly dropped…
I think about that so much. And it breaks my heart but I don’t think this reckoning ever would have happened if she won. These men, Rose, Halprin, Thrush, that New Republic dude...they would have just worked overtime to undermine her. And it would have been accepted because any accusations of rampant sexism could be…
I think the kid has had way too much botox/filler and can’t do a normal expression. All that work looks very weird on a young person. I hate to be snarky because I honestly don’t judge her for doing what she feels she has to do, it’s just that it appears to have the opposite effect of what she probably hopes to…
I’m so glad to read this because glitter is really, really bad. Thousands of years from now, they will be trying to figure out why we were constantly spraying ourselves and our children with a toxic dust that also clearly injured our pets, waterways and soil.