The point is, Daniel, that it has not been safe to come forward because the people in positions of authority do not have any incentive to pursue any punitive measures against harassment.
The point is, Daniel, that it has not been safe to come forward because the people in positions of authority do not have any incentive to pursue any punitive measures against harassment.
Any day now, I just hope it happens soon enough to sink his career and doesn’t get lost in the wave. Also holding my breath for David O. Russel and Michael Mann. Those guys are fucking monsters.
of course he remembers it differently - in his mind, he was an irresistibly seductive, handsome, powerful suitor, and she was so desperately attracted to him that she just couldn’t contain herself due to his overwhelming charm and wit but...just at the last minute, he remembered his wife and his commitment to uphold…
Oh golly, I don’t know why I assumed you were a woman, I suppose it’s the solidarity in Havishamnity. I’m truly jealous of your fastidious dog, what a luxury that would be. Shepherds are clever and loyal but pretty blasé when it comes to tidiness.
My sister, all I want to talk about it solutions to the bed issue. I *love* having her with me, especially in the winter for warmth but also because I sleep on the first floor and those ears are my first defense. But I’ve really struggled with feeling like a crazy person, waking up covered white fur! First of all, I…
Oh my god, this whole thread has made me feel so much better. I have a house that’s far too big for my needs and a dog with SO MUCH HAIR, so it sometimes feels like the only reason I go into certain rooms is to clean up her tumblefurs. So I pretty much just close them off too, but it makes me feel like Miss Havisham.…
Honestly, I’m kinda relived because I have always found Tambor pretty creepy and resisted watching Transparent for that reason, even though everyone in my circle tells me how amazing it is. Glad I can indulge my instincts - his whole persona just too closely resembles a pervo math teacher I had in highschool (who also…
yah, it’s crazy. I think they started flocking here in droves after their ugly little pube caves like stormfront and the grossest subreddits got shitcanned, but now that white supremacist/MRA twitter verifications are being been lost? They are out for internet blood. I once used the word ‘mansplain’ in a post and for…
Late to this thread as I’m just catching up on the show but I will say that personally, I’ve looked almost exactly the same from 16-32. As a teenager, I looked far too grown up and developed to be in highschool, as an adult, far too young and childish to be in a position of authority. The ambiguousness of my age has…
The victim accepted his apology and stated she doesn’t think he should resign. That’s a good start, and so long as he follows through on the ethics committee investigation and they find absolutely no other instances of inappropriate conduct, I think he could conceivably continue to serve.
Louise Erdrich is one of my favorite literary authors and has just released her first sci-fi, Future Home of the Living God, and it’s AMAZING. check out this awesome conversation about it between her and Atwood.
This is hands down, the best and only Poldark reference I will ever send anyone if I want to introduce them to the show. Nailed every single one of these Jacobian primadonnas and then some.
It would be hard on your real-life significant other to hear/read interviews though. Probably tough enough to support your spouse’s career by cheering for them week after week as they pretend to be ‘married’ to someone else, but to have them confirm that even a part of that romance is real? That would suck.
First of all, responding to bad opinions is how trolls get elevated, so it’s good practice to always be wary. Second...why on earth do you assume this person is a woman? Third, your response to my response super condescending and weird - why are you lecturing people on how to respond to responses instead of…
I hate to even dignify you with a response but to anyone else who nodded along to your defense (you really ARE) of Woody Allen, take a moment to read this:
I think it’s offensive because she very deliberately had her styled that way, as a choice. For the magazine editors to erase it reads like they thought it was a mistake and then took away her autonomy in how she wanted to present herself. If they had such a problem with the hairstyle, they should have worked with her…
thanks - I considered just dismissing them but the blowback for that is never worth it. It’s pretty pathetic that all they can muster to defend C.K. at this point is “sure it’s maybe true, but you didn’t find out properly!”
Anna, we know you’ve been working on this story for fucking ages and even through the NYTimes is breaking it, I’m sure your diligence and professionalism laid the groundwork. Just know that we see you and appreciate you.
Can I just say, I knew nothing about this until Hillary Clinton did a visibility tour in India to the homes of poor women who needed safer stoves: