
I wasn’t really scared of the gas station blowing up, it was the man’s aggressive, threatening demeanor that was frightening. Trust me, that dude knew exactly what he was doing.

your username...

This is a story my grandmother told me when I was a kid —

duuuuude, that’s terrifying. Reminds me of last year, in September before the election, I was getting gas at my usual station and this huge rumbling pickup covered in Trump stickers pulls up to the pump across from me. The guy gets out, and standing just three feet away, makes full eye contact and lights a cigarette.

Yes, the dick pic that shows up anonymously and without invitation is just as unwelcome as a splash of unexplained chili in an unexpected place.

a dick is only great with lube.

I like looking at a dick the same way I like looking at a bowl of chili. When I’m hungry and craving chili, nothing in the world looks better. When I’m not hungry, I don’t want to look at it because it *objectively* resembles gross things.

I had a gym teacher in 6th or 7th grade who popped a SERIOUS boner the first day of swim lessons when we were all in the pool. Few of us had really ever seen an adult man’s erect penis at eye-level before and didn’t know how to react. After the lesson, we all talked about it in hushed tones, embarrassed that it

The dumpster at my local dog park has been tagged with spray paint declaring it “Trump Quotes”. Everyday I sigh as I toss my pup’s turd bag in. It lands with a pungent, soft thumwmp at the top of an already giant rotting heap of stinking, steaming dogshit, and the pile grows higher every day. 

I mean, we have age limits for all kinds of jobs. Both mentally taxing ones, like an air traffic controller, and physically taxing ones, like a firefighter. It seems insane that our most important job has only two, arguably arbitrary, prerequisites. To be president, an individual should be between 35-65 years old,

yeah, I’ve learned so much from his shows about food and culture. He seems to try to go into every situation excited to find out new things without judgement or prejudice, which is a tough mindset to maintain after all he’s seen and learned. The standout episodes I remember: Cambodia, Israel/The Gaza Strip and

What I hope to see come out of this is a deeper examination of how mid-to-low level dudes operate, fully sanctioned, within the studio system. Every woman living in Hollywood trying to make it as a writer, actress, producer, set decorator, whatever, has a story about some sleazy exec at ABC/agent at CAA/producer for

Yes. I lived with one of Singer’s ex-boyfriends for a while, he had a LOT of stories. When it all comes out at once, people will deny they had any idea. But everyone in Hollywood knows what Bryan Singer did...and still does.

Now playing

Sometimes (often), I motivate to get off my ass and stop feeling sorry for myself by watching “I could if I wanted to”.

Exactly. When the series started, I didn’t buy Jaime as 22 or Claire at 27. The real fantasy of this series is they are both hot, capable 35 year olds living at peak sexual prowess for 40 years, able to make out or go down on each other in any scenario from forest floor to French brothel, because they are immune to

Book readers, can anyone spoil this one question for me - are we done with the annoying daughter? She’s suuuuuch a bad actor and drags down the whole series. Please tell me we’ve left her in the 20th century for good...

My friend is in Mongolia now or else I would ask her - I wish I could remember the brand but it was a couple years ago. I just remember it was in honor of International Women’s Day, as a promotion for...I wanna say a cologne/dudespray company? It was so bad.

sidebar: this is what Mark McGrath looked like in 2011:

DT Jr. has so many opinions about sexual harassment, you guys. The best opinions.

Leslie was so contagiously happy throughout that whole bit, it was delightful.