
I think people like to believe she is his soulmate but he missed his chance and she married someone else, so he dates young, uncomplicated women to fill the void but his heart is closed off because he knows he will never truly love anyone as much as he loves her.

alright, I’ll see it. They should have just hired you to promote the movie, that’s all the marketing I need.

I feel bad for the models - I wonder if they were told what the final result would be? “So the concept is basically that everyone is beautiful, so when you take off your brown shirt to reveal the white shirt, you’ll also be changed into a pretty white woman! Isn’t that great? Let’s get you into makeup sweetie.”

One of my best friends, a gay woman, worked at a huge ad firm. At one point, they developed this nutball, deeply offensive ad that was basically a tacky lesbian joke. She objected, both for the sake of her dignity and also to protect the company (because she’s a team player). But instead of taking her advice, her *all

Now playing

yeah, female supporting females! however it happens, it’s great!

Ugh, I had a friend like that too. At some point, you have to just jump in. My advice is to wait for a buzzword, like ‘friendzoned’ and then say ‘my dude, let me stop you there. I can see the problem, and it isn’t her.’ and go from there. Granted, I’m a woman so it comes across differently from me, but I do think that

every. single. fucking. time.

I dunno - my sister is very similar to this person. She is in a solid, good relationship but she doesn’t feel he *wants* her enough (like he doesn’t give her the right compliments, doesn’t plan big trips, is relaxed about getting married). But that’s also just who he is, a chill dude who takes everyday as it comes,

They’re already selling out. Everything is terrible.

This reminds me of a fun family story - Steve Jobs once spotted my mother at a social occasion, wrangling 5 year old me by one hand while nursing my infant sister with the other. He was apparently struck by her maternal beauty and being in the market for a wife and a mother of his future children, he approached her

Chiming in from the Native community - the biggest red flags (pun!) when a white person is trying to prove how not-racist they are:

Yeah, but it links their legacies together forever. He becomes a footnote on her wikipedia page, she becomes one on his. People who, maybe decades from now, visit her tomb will see his name next to hers and think “huh, so were they like, a thing?” It implies a connection they never had, that he was more legendary than

Spoke too soon...

Every time I see this fucker’s smug fucking face...

I was a project manager for a mid-level agency and if I had to work past 10pm, my boss insisted we take a cab home on the company dime, and come in late the next morning. He figured the occasional $40 is better than losing his staff in a preventable accident. Seems like the least the CW could do is shell out for

Goddamn. Just when I think my heart has hardened into a cynical block of crystallized apathy, I get another jolt of fire. How could anyone, anyone, could be so cruel to a sick baby, let alone a person tasked with their care and safety. What horrible, detestable human beings. I hope they are shamed until their last

Honestly, I think she hates being the First Lady. I think she hates having to give speeches in English and be scrutinized, I think she hates having to worry or care about anyone other than herself, her son and her parents. She’s resentful, cynical, bored, scared and frustrated. I don’t remember who did it, probably

I felt the same way, it just seems so unsatisfying? It’s fascinating to read about, because obviously there’s a huge, huge appeal in it or else it wouldn’t be so popular, but I struggle to understand that level of performative horniness. Not only does it sound emotionally isolating, it also seems truly physically

You’re doing great sweetie.

How old is this woman? She sounds like she’s running for junior class president. Like, babe, we get it. You’re going to prom in couture while wearing lululemon on the weekends. And you’re sorrrrrrry for being rude to a poor, you actually love the poors. If only people would give you the benefit of the doubt and see