Gosh, it’s almost like you have a cynical, preconceived judgement and are in no way the kind of person who would ever challenge your own opinion by reading her book with an open mind. Astonishing.
Goddammit, we should have told him #DACA stood for the ‘Donald Appreciation Committee of America’. He would have worn #DACA hats to every rally, tried to have it written it into the constitution, carved it on the statue of liberty.
For real. I think it’s great she’s putting her experience out there, especially since one of the biggest criticisms she faced is that she’s too tightly controlled and always tries to please everyone. So maybe she’s gonna get a little snarky, step on a couple of toes, ruffle a few feathers. If you don’t like her or…
I’ve worked with a lot of surgeons and I can assure you, it is a soulless skill. In order to be a brain surgeon, you need to have incredible focus, an ability to memorize lots of material, able to brutally compartmentalize your emotions, a hyperactive ego that allows you to never doubt yourself, and be in school…
Right - and they brought it up now so that anyone reading the words ‘drafted letter’ and ‘Comey’ would be confused by the dueling narratives, and also so that they could get a bunch of Dems on tape saying that a drafted letter doesn’t legally imply intent/conclusion/conspiracy. These are two very different scenarios…
I see your point, and I thought about it on this particular thread. Trust me, I’ve used the dismiss button a fair amount, the word mansplain really attracted the nastiest form of troll. But I don’t think guys like EchoChamber are troll-trolls. From what I can tell, he’s just regular, boring dude who thinks he’s…
Full ‘N Soft is my go-to and has been for ~15 years. I’ve tried every wand under the sun and spent more than I would ever admit on luxury brand mascaras but always come back to this $10 drugstore standby because it’s the best.
You, and all your grey’d ilk complaining about my use of the word ‘mansplaining’ can kindly take a seat. This is a perfect example of the concept.
For sure, in no way am I saying that they should have physically intervened, that would have only escalated the situation. One guy with an authoritarian streak, a badge, and anger management issues can completely dominate a group of well meaning, rational, brave and quality people.
Jesus - when she sobs ‘why is he so angry’ is heartbreaking. His hands are actually on her and no one around her is able to stop him. She’s totally vulnerable, he’s unstable and everyone is helpless to prevent him from forcing her into his car. How absolutely terrifying.
Part of it is also that they have spent a bajillion dollars raising their safety standards and reducing pollutants, all of which now goes to waste if there’s no rules to enforce. It’s basically what happened with the FDA dropping the regulation to put calorie counts on fast food - all the science was done, the menus…