
...uuuuugh... true.

Could be worse Boruto. Your dad could be Sasuke.

Or is it just Final Fantasy Seven Remake?

OH MY FUCKING GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this real life?!

SWTORs first week sold double what Kotor sold its life time. So yeah...

Hopefully she understands that some ignoring HAS to happen. It’s Mass Effect.

Technically it’d be Miranda!

In the story I described, the quarians would probably take the charge — the Migrant Fleet knows a thing or two about fleeing their home in order to survive the synthetics that want to kill you and the journey to find a new home. Keelah se’lai.

Funny you mention that. My wife and I have been together for just over 7 years and she just threatened to cut me if I ignore her for these games.

Don’t you dare abandon Tali for a new, younger model!

well seeing as how SWTOR sold more units then Kotor why would they make another Kotor?

Fans: We don’t care about MMO’s! Give us a real game, a story-filled RPG!!

EA: Hey look, we made another expansion pack for our MMO - it has a story focus! That’s exactly what you wanted, right?

I can’t retire, I have to make money to spend on all these gaaaaaaaames!

I will write my resignation letter today to be given before November, thanks.

If it’s the fourth entry in a series and they go with a subtitle rather than 4, it almost always underwhelms.

The Last Guardian is going to be announced tomorrow.

Well, I figure my fiance and I have had a good 7 years together, had to end sometime.

You’ll have a year of Fallout 4 before you have to worry about the new Mass Effect.

I am done, I am fucking done, Fallout 4 and now this, I am retiring.