No, you do that, console warring shit is old and trite, if you have nothing to contribute then post nothing, unless you want to get flagged.
No, you do that, console warring shit is old and trite, if you have nothing to contribute then post nothing, unless you want to get flagged.
The XBox One is a console that submitted its two week notice.
Me and my friends were watching the Blair witch trailer and were going back and forth between an Alan wake, or an Outlast. Friend shouts Blair Witch and were all like no fucking chance laughing loudly, way too long since that was a thing.
You’re hitting the “just have more willpower” reflex of every internet poster that *doesn’t* know what addiction feels like. :/
When I was a kid, my mom told me Drug dealers would give me small ammouts of drugs for free, and they they would start charging for it, more and more each time once I got hooked.
Whenever I see this analysis of the situation, it always feels like people are saying “I don’t care, so long as it doesn’t have an effect on me.”
“People don’t like to admit they’re able to be manipulated because it destroys our idealised conceptualisation of free will, which is why people are loathe to support rules to limit this kind of thing.”
“Too much choice”. I can already tell you’re not an actual Gundam fan. You literally don’t deserve to review this game. Your standpoint disgusts me. There isn’t ENOUGH choice in the game. Go watch the 30+ years worth of this franchise and come back.
So, a vehicle that has better stats when used in a non-linear track is better on non-linear tracks, and higher speed vehicles are better when there are enough straight points to unleash that speed.
Consider my mind blown.
About a year ago. I still say the animations in Andromeda are a step backward. But that’s not the worst part. The worst part is the terrible dialogue writing and awful voice acting.
The scenery looks pretty, but the animations and character models are bad, and the voice acting and writing is inconsistent at best, and really awful at times. It makes the whole experience come across like you’re watching a CW drama acted out entirely by creepy sex dolls.
No one is complaining about the development process. They’re complaining about the end result, because it’s not up to the standards of consumer expectations, it’s not up to the standards of AAA video games, and it’s not even up to the standards set by previous games in the series. The only reason the development…
As someone who doesn’t read up on that type of shit, my impressions were this: Wow, it’s a Mass Effect game. Too many sidequests that are fetch quests, but otherwise it’s a Mass Effect game and I don’t see what the problem with that is.
The game is crappy schlock anyway, might as well be an ugly clown.
Female face 8, eh. one of the 2 that is worth using.
What’s interesting to me is that the Battlefield series and Mass Effect both use the Frostbite engine. Yet, the facial animation in Battlefield has been outstanding since BF3. I think that’s when Dice started to partner with Cubic Motion to handle their facial mo-cap. Cubic Motion’s 2016 Showreel:
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here. Hzd had some imperfections but overall the animations were believable and the voice acting was above average. I’ve watched three hours of video for MEA and none of the animations looks right.
Facial animations is the biggest criticism of Horizon Zero Dawn as well. I’m not sure why but it seems like it’s just the one area of these gorgeous giant games that just still isn’t there.