This is pretty typical for Japan, actually. Usually ads for TV shows are only about 15 seconds long. Its been that way forever.
This is pretty typical for Japan, actually. Usually ads for TV shows are only about 15 seconds long. Its been that way forever.
You do realize he is making a joke on the fact that Mr Satan was credited with defeating Buu, right? That is a canon thing, that everyone on Earth thinks it was him and not Goku who killed Buu.
At least it’s better than really long and containing 90% of the quality parts of the show/movie/game.
You mean “after Mr. Hercule Satan defeats Majin Buu”.
Did you really read the article? There are barely any points they missed on. Release dates were missed on a small handful of games and they were hanging on the exact wording of some stuff. Sony had some of the highest selling and rated games this year. Game stability? Almost every PS4 game runs at higher fps/res that…
Actually, everything you said is completely wrong. I don’t know how you managed to be wrong about literally everything you said, but you somehow managed. Good job.
Isn’t Bloodborne one of the best reviewed games of the year?
I don’t think we read the same article.
I was glad Xbox players weren’t going for Microsoft’s crap this time around, like they did with having to pay monthly JUST so they could play games online. It’s a shame, because it showed that people are willing to pay for their online services and who didn’t charge for their online services was a fool for missing out…
Did you read the same thing I did? The only ones that were completely wrong were in regards to release dates (UC 3 being the big one) and in regards to the number of F2P games coming. I was impressed hat almost every single one was right actually....
Should run a bet on how much time will be given to the Vita this year. I am guessing 5 minutes and it will be for some sort of PS4 tie in.
I was so distracted by the Kickstarter logo on those guy’s belts.
That explains why it’s blocked on a lot of free WiFi hotspots where I live.
This is Kotaku. You’re never supposed to read it when children are around.
Considering parents have been complaining about Mortal Kombat and children for 22 years, maybe you could have just figured it out yourself when the headline contained “mortal kombat” and “grosser” before you clicked it
Did the title not give it away? Does seeing Mortal Kombat not = NSFW? I mean... use your brain?
This is the first Mortal Kombat I haven’t picked up day 1 (no real reason) but your comment has me wanting to run to the store to grab a copy lol
Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Go see it, you need to; you’re deprived if you’ve never seen that movie!
I’m going to give it a couple months (maybe till the end of the year) and if there is no word on a localization, I’ll import it. This game just seems too funny to pass up, even if my understanding of Japanese is mediocre at best.