
Honestly it just depends on the genre you’re watching.
Creative talent is there and some gems get released on a yearly basis. It’s just there’s a higher percentage of trashy anime out there. You usually look to specific studios like Mad House for quality works anyway rather than just blindly hope good anime comes out

No it was not good. And evidence for that is that people only talk how awesome the fights are. This anime is not about these mechs or angels. The base of this anime are the last 2 episodes of Evangelion. Mechs are just a symbol for fear it could have been anything but mechs sell better.

Bah, there were lots of predictions about movie industry collapses as well. Empty words.

Is there anything better than Kanji cosplaying Marilyn Monroe? No. No, there isn’t.

Trials of Osiris is being held back by the existing flaws of Crucible.

If it’s possible I bet win trading will become a thing in the next month. I’m sure guilds will figure out a way to throw matches for each other.

Moral of Bakuman is do it for pussy. Which is pretty close to reality :D

Alas, such is what happens when small-minded people go drunk from the tiniest whiff of authority... :P I would have seen through this kid’s scheme, and instead of a suspension awarding detention instead, heh.

They chose it as their article title to get a reaction from people. It’s clickbait at its worst. Sure, it doesn’t bother you, but that doesn’t make it fine. It’s immature and people get angry over much less and aren’t berated for it.

Seriously. It’s like these people are trying to play up to worst aspects of the gamer stereotype. On the flip side most sound like kids who are lying.

Imagine if it was the prophet Muhammad instead of Jesus? I hate how Kotaku finds it ok to mock Jesus and Christianity but other religions like Islam are a no no. Religion should be equally mocked.

I wish to say that as a Christian I am GREATLY offended by the headline and art of this article. Maybe that doesn't matter to the writer or Kotaku and maybe that's at least in part because A) Christians don't shoot up/bomb people who write/draw Christ in a blasphemous manner and B) because our society has come to a

That headline pic really is in poor taste. Something tells me you wouldn’t have referenced Allah, Krishna, Buddha, etc. in the same manner.

Wow, there are a lot of horrible people up there. Especially the guy that sold his brother’s cat...that’s fucking despicable.

Sjws don't care about that kind of stuff.

Did you HAVE to put the 'Sodomize Me Jesus' in the headline? That's really offensive to me. Typical.

I’d argue Kotaku definitely fucked up in certain regards. Lack of disclosure was a huge thing that bothered a lot of people including me.

I’m very happy with this release. The game runs very well on a couple different setups. On the highest settings, it looks so good it makes my eyes bleed. Still can’t max the game fully with gtx 980 and i7 4790k

I swear, there is some strange relationship between PC players and Console players that is reminiscent of the sibling-like bickering between console fanboys.