
"I've christened your dead baby Pol Pot! At least a million Cambodians thank you for aborting him, that they may now live!"

I know I'm in the greys but this is actually an area i'm studying in detail at the moment so I thought I'd throw in my two cents.

So…basically, she's going for Prince Ron?

'Half Blood Prince'

Emma, this isn't the Harry we had in mind.

This is my question. Also is it erect length or flaccid? How does he plan to deal with the grower vs. shower issue?

So is this based on an honor system? Will there be an someone at the door with a ruler?

I've watched every episode about 5 times and I didn't catch on. I blame the drugs.

The more I stare at it, the more cute it becomes. Do it's 4 extra eyes look like a mustache?

That spider is straightforwardly cute. God, kneejerk posturing about how ooo scaaary spiders are (usage of the term "nope" included, as well as any and all comments about burning houses down) is so fucking played out and stupid.

May I suggest a name? Organ Grindr.

I love this, but I feel like part of why this dynamic exist is because there are so few women in Congress.

The stuffed animal mauling was AMAZING. DO YOU LIKE THIS?? WELL GIRLS DON'T EITHER! NO MEANS NO!!!!

I know the whole Uncle Joe thing is supposed to be cute and funny but I would not be able to handle this at all. Keep your fucking hands off me and your hot breath out of my ear. PERIOD! Also, step back 3 paces. I don't give a fuck if you are the Vice President of the United Fucking States.

what are you even talking about — they are entitled to all the space in the world.

Random story (And I swear I am not stalking you around Jezebel today).

what the fuck is with old white men not understanding personal space?

Not in every state, thank Bast.

It's a common mistake to confuse cosmetic surgery with plastic surgery. Cosmetic involves changing the appearance for purely esthetic reasons wille plastic involves anything and everything that has to do with the outer appearance, be it reconstructive from severe fire burns or a mastectomy, removal of a tumorous