Obviously this is demeaning in every way imaginable, but let's suppose for a moment that there were some value making virginity a requirement for civil servants. I suppose the idea would be that you only want people who are "unspoiled" in some way to get these positions. So, starting from that assumption...
So, it's not that they're scrapping virginity tests because virginity is an outdated and completely inappropriate way to test a woman's moral upstanding, but because sometimes a woman's vagina isn't virgin-like because of other reasons like she fell on it?
He even built a nice fire to melt her icy heart.
The Police Major also had this to say about his advances on Facebook: "She rebuffed those and it's kind of what set this all in motion." So basically it's her fault.
Now she's ruined her kid's christmas because she was too stuck up to give the guy a shot.
C'mon! It's a compliment!
I'm sure he's really a nice guy.
He's such a nice guy! Why couldn't she just give him a chance?
According to alleged accomplice Brandon Liccardi, alleged serial rapist Darren Sharper reportedly had a name for his Alprazolam, Diazepam and Zolpidem cocktail date rape drink —"horny juice." Sharper's charged with one count of conspiracy to distribute with intent to commit rape and two counts of distributing the…
And they think merely calling her out is the reason they're alienating their feminist followers. Riiiight. It has nothing to do with the fact that their entire threat centers around slut-shaming, and that meanwhile they're using terms like "trashy bitch" instead of more pertinent terms like "racist."
But having a sex tape is obviously way worse than being a rapist if you're a woman.
That they're comparing Iggy's (supposed) sex tape to Bill Cosby drugging and raping multiple women over decades is appalling.
I agree. I want Erdely to be FIRED. As a lefty feminist I am beyond angry at her. She cared more about writing a sensational story and gunning for a Pulitzer than actually doing some good with her story. Because of her reckless disregard for the truth, she has done a lot of damage to many people.
Don't think I didn't see you edit and re-edit this post to deal with your hilarious typos, good buddy!
You realize that the complaint you're making fun of only applies to public proposals, where other people are present and watching, and therefore put unfair pressure on women to say "yes." Because, yes, that is definitely a shitty thing to do to somebody. This proposal, however, was neither public nor coercive.
You're a great parody of a troll male Jezebel commenter, keep it up!
Um, that was adorable. I really doubt anyone was coming here to say any of that. But, you might have some bitterness you should let go?
It can be difficult to identify what specifically has caused something like listeria if you only have one or two cases. In all likelihood, they were working to identify the source from the first instance, but weren't able to until they had more information.
hi guys, I've been reading Jezebel for a year. Idk what a male Jezzie is called but that's what I hope to be. This is my first post & I just wanted to ask if there's anyway the victim can be put in touch with the people at #YESalldaughters. I messaged them a little while ago. They said if they could get in touch with…