
"I began deeply regretting it the moment the statute of limitations kicked in and then I started atoning for it in my own, useless way."

Yeah, and i find his assertion that the one victim was "extremely gracious" when he apologized to him really unsettling. Maybe she was, but there is a good chance she felt totally overwhelmed and at a loss for what to do, trapped and wanted to do whatever would make the interaction with him end the fastest way

I have been working to atone for it ever since

"Forty years ago, I did something terribly wrong that I deeply regret. I have been working to atone for it ever since,"

For a second I read this as Stephen Colbert AND I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK.

Sorry, Stephen. Hollywood only accepts child molesters named Woody or Roman.

And, of course, proving that rape can definitely be done to the satisfaction of this whack job well within a reasonable time frame for a first trimester abortion.

Except, he says, in the case of "legitimate rape."

Good on the girls. That's an uncanny sense there though. I know the feeling when someone's staring at me...the hairs the back of my neck stand up. But I am not positive I've every gotten that feeling when viewed through security cameras or heaven forbid, someone recording me using a smartphone.

Dear Moms of All Politicians Everywhere,

This is getting ridiculous. How many people knew about Cosby's hobby, but didn't say shit? How many people enabled this asshole?

I agree, if you can look past the presentation to get to the message, there is some potentially helpful information in there- but even though it's not Red Alert levels of bad, there's room to critique it (and shall we, since Jezebel didn't really bother to?). The author made choices in framing her message that really

This popped up in my LinkedIn feed over the weekend, and I have to say I HATED IT.

Actually, title/image aside...it seems pretty good?

I love that this dude blames his actions and unlikability on being on the autism spectrum. Plenty of people on the spectrum are perfectly wonderful. You're just a fuckhead, bro.

Exactly. Screening tests are supposed to be specific and give false positives because the whole point is to catch all of the possible issues and then be more accurate with further testing. When it comes to fatal disorders, false positives are better than false negatives because you don't want to miss anything. The

Key to this story, and the informed consent these patients should be receiving, is that NIPT is a SCREENING test, not a diagnosis. No interventions should be decided based on NIPT or other prenatal screening (such as older, still accepted standards of care such as quad screen or first and second trimester integrated

They are screening tests, not definitive results. Both of my pregnancies I had non-invasive prenatal screening - both times the tests came back abnormal. Both times I then elected to do amniocenteses which cleared up any concerns. In talking to the genetic folks at Stanford where I had the amnio done, they explained

You know how when you are nervous to speak in front of people, you are told to picture them naked? It disempowers them, making you feel more comfortable speaking to them. I can't be the only one who sees this as about power over women and not sex. It's not like this is 1944 and a torn image from a magazine is all

I'd assume that it's not about women being sexy, it's about women being naked, vulnerable, and unaware that they're 'putting on a show' for men that they have probably rejected who feel that they're getting revenge for the woman turning them down that one time.