
You'd find this less creepy if a sixteen year old secretly invited an eleven year old to come across country?

Thanks for this, I never thought of it this way! OMG, thank goodness I didn't lose my virginity in high school. Shuddering thinking bout some of the really awful guys I had crushes on in high school. I'm glad I was so shy and nerdy that none of them would have noticed that I was in love.

This was a great comment until your inexplicable last incomplete sentence. Some of us like science and math too. It's OK to just agree with people without making a douchey jab at people who want gender equality. I promise.

Well that's an oddly combative post. I'm not going to attach my CV to a Jezebel post, but rest assured that I do know "how statistics work." My point: those of us who accept the two percent figure for false allegations of rape reported to police (you're free to reject that figure if you wish, but keep in mind that

Something to keep in mind. Approximately two percent of rape allegations made to police are false, according to various studies, including those cited by the U.S. Department of Justice. It's unknown what percent of rape allegations never reported to police, such as Jackie's, are false. That figure is not the

I cast a great actress who feels like our sister, our daughter, our roommate.

Vagina is actually sword holder/sheath iirc.


yeah, I hate to be a downer, but trying to make "you can only rape captives WITH PERMISSION" into "rah rah girl power!" is a bit of a stretch

sounds like she just changed it so she had a monopoly on rape, giving permission slips to do it...

This does not make up for the period blood/vomit thing, Mark.

"Quit saying bad things about me that are true!" said Aaron Sorkin as he shoved his hands deeply in his pockets, put his head down to his chest and kicked the nearest rock.

Exactly, it doesn't. The RS writer and editors didn't do certain Journalism 101 fact checking. "Jackie's" rapes are not in question, just certain circumstances. Instead of taking responsibility, RS tried to blame her.

I still don't see how any of these "discrepancies" serve to refute or disprove Jackie' story. I've read l the articles and am aware of all the public information, and none of it is dispositive. Unless there is information that is being withheld by the Rolling Stone that is more damaging to Jackie story, I'm still

Anything that gets in the way of sleeping on top of me my cats will actively try to put a stop to. This includes things like dating or leaving the house. The only job they are good at is smacking my head at 5 am to get me up to feed them.

I'm not sure how bacteria that goes through your digestive tract would end up in your vagina . . .

This is really bad, but a few things worth remembering: