
i’ve known dinosaurs were real since i was little. before i even was in school and learning science.

Srsly. That’s the snowflakiest response I’ve seen lately - white, cold, and melting down under pressure.

Yeah, I sort of agree. On the other hand, I think there is some value to make people aware of exactly how much racial vitriol still exists. Those who want to say “racism is dead because Obama” can read this as a wake up call.

What do you mean “called their bluff”? Dem voters, especially minorities and women, clearly chose Clinton over Sanders. By a large margin. The choice was simple. Vote D and avoid exactly what we have now. White Millenials couldn’t deal with that fact and now deserve the haranguing from articles like this.

Jill “Don’t wanna upset the Anti-vaxxers” Stein

Jill “I ate dinner with Putin” Stein, you mean. *rolls eyes*

Awwww are your poor feefees hurt?

“I would love a woman to be President!” - As they pull the lever for Jill “Hey remember me I invited Julian Assange to my goddamn nominating convention” Stein.

Doesn’t it? He committed a crime with the specific intent of scaring black men and white women away from each other? He literally set out to incite terror.

“The white race is being eroded. ... No one cares about you. The Chinese don’t care about you, the blacks don’t care about you,” he said.

Seriously, when I figured out he chickened out of killing anyone more threatening than an old homeless guy, I was like, omg you fucking coward.

His only regret is that he chose his victim poorly? Wow!

All I know is that white women were haranguing black women and insisting that gender is far more important than race. When they were finally offered up a white woman behind whom all the girls could behind, 1 in every 2 Beckies, Connies, Rachels, whatever, decided patriarchal racism was their lane. Whiteness, my

Anecdotally speaking, this sounds accurate. As a white (relatively older) millennial, my “people’s” political leanings are almost completely dictated by geography. My city dwelling and college friends are overwhelmingly liberal.

The police have said they’re considering terrorism charges. I’m inclined to think they’ll do it. They’re just building their case for a grand jury.

According to the Daily News, Jackson does not know why he is facing hate crime charges, thinking that they don’t apply to him.

How is it not first degree murder from the start? Not a lawyer, but he went out looking for someone to kill.