Temporary insanity

Oh man, people are still reading this? I hoped it would have gone away by now. I was under significantly higher amounts of stress in the weeks leading up to this post, I had very little sleep and was grossly over caffienated, thats why I changed my handle to temporary insanity. Even when Im rested I have a terrible

Thank you for your understanding, I mean well but I am just dumb. I have been sending emails. Your response back there threw me over the top and I sent the another basically begging, I am literally shaking right now.

I have never tried bloging before this article. I have been made aware of my mistake and I assure you I am doing everything I can to get it out of there. I cant do it myself so I am at the mercy of the site. I feal terrible about it and am literally loosing sleep over it.

Your right there. This was the first time I have ever tried to respond to any online articles I learned a lot of harsh lessons right here. I post picks of us all the time on FB but this platform is far different. Needless to say I am pretty stressed here trying to get it down.

Trying like hell to get it down not allowed to myself due to terms of agreement.

If you can, and you are willing,will you please delete my post with the picture on it? This is the first time I have ever tried to discuss anything on a blog and needless to say I failed misereably. I was unfamiliar with the concept of online bona fides or human shields. After it has been explained to me I understand

Do you have admin priveledges to delete replies to your posts?

I wonder if I flag it as spam they will take it down.

Yeah I really wish I didnt post that pic. I have a lot to learn about online ediquit. Not just for that reason either, that perticular photo was in very careless decision. Robo got to me a little and I posted ot on a rush decision.

I cant accept an appology for her she is the one you should appologise to. She put a lot of work into that article.

That aint right ThatAintRight. If it is her response to my original post you are referring to I have to intercede and tell you my comment merrited such a response.

I see what your saying, did not mean to use it that way. As a white person I feal I have no right on my own to lay claim on the hurt and frustration people of color are fealing right now. When I met my wife is when I started experiencing, first hand the unfairness I never new existed.

Thank you for the support, hes a real prize for sure, never seen anything like it.

Yes I have contacted them before, it didnt end well, since then I have received similar advice and have been documenting.

Yeah yeah, I blew it here. Tryin to make amends, and if I get out of this alive, stay the heck off of online forums. Clearly not my place to be.

Thank you, I sent them an email I hope they respond soon. The more I think about it, very careless of me to use that photo in perticular

I have thought of a better way and something that I have contemplated for awhile. If you will please consider with me and let me know your thoughts.

I have been dealing with it like crazy since the election and I guess I started out this discussion halfway venting, which lead to more arguing. I dont often post to blogs Im more of a face to face kind of person totally misrepesented myself here.

Also stated earlier I have been trying to tell white people, thats qhy no one has ever seen me before on here, as a white man I know its my place with them....but its tiresome.

Also stated earlier I have been trying to tell white people, thats qhy no one has ever seen me before on here, as a white man I know its my place with them....but its tiresome.