Temporary insanity

I hear you, I did not mean to come out that way as if thats what Im trying to do. Im a visionary personality I either succeed marvelously or fail misereably at whatever I do no inbetween for me. This time I fell flat on my face right out the gate, but I own it.

Yeah, its really all over the place right now and it rears its head in so many ways. I have personally been dealing with older white republicans, about 30 of them at work. Since the election they have been insufferable! Know nothing know it alls to say the least. We currently live out west and planning to move back

Yeah its not about proving what I am or am not, its about protecting the people that I love. As I stated earlier in this post, I am not good with words at least on a blog, I came out seemingly condescending which was not my intention.

Still you got to admit we are a good looking bunch.

Im not good on online forums

Looking at it in hindsight I see your point with the photo. Do you know how to take it down.

I am sorry to offend you. I was best friends with my wife before dating and married before I ever touched her. We are about celebrate 8 years in February.

Yes I regret starting out that way didnt mean to condescend, reading back I can see how it was highly condescending given the current platform. Again I ask will you please forgive me?

Not looking for brownie points here. The concern I have for my family in this country right now is real

To others who will listen to reason

Just this one guy and other insitantly toxic personalities. But this is after years of trying and as I said logic and intellect have no bearing on these individuals. On a personal note my silence is tearing him to pieces he lives for controversy.

I am real and I am the man in the photo. I struggled with puting it up there but I hoped it would help to personalise this a little. That is me that is what I am about. Im not trying to lecture anyone and I am sorry for coming across that way. I am one who is quite outspoken about racism and am tired and alone here on

I actually agree with every single point you have put out there I would not want to dismantle it. I do regret trying to explain the white response that, is a bigger conversation than I anticipated. I guess what I want to get at as where do we go from here? I am trying on the white front but I feel like Im drowning

I actually do speek up and try to support BLM. I try to plead with people and give them personal experiences where race has been a factor that negatively effected our family. Try to open eyes to the hurt others may be feeling to give it a voice. Mostly goes on deaf ears.

SOME people will never change, my personal experience with this is primarily with older white conservatives, even my own mother.

Absolutely, lets do that original point was never meant to get this deep anyway.

I cant keep up with everyone here anymore, I still have not been given the oppurtunity to correct nor will I try.

Well said. I dont feal hurt by being lumped in with others because I know its not me.

I suppose I should elaborate on my point. I dont mean in every circumstance stay silent. My strengths are in math and electrical circuits not so much with words. Unfortunately I have to work right now so I will have to pick up this convo later. Maybe its a good thing, give me some time to think of a better way to

I am not disagreeing with speaking up. I am saying I see change coming, are efforts might be best applied fanning the flames of that change. When the good people find a way to integrate against the bad we will be unstopable. As for thos one person I have given a lot of thought about what to do and any action on my