"straight out of a Vermeer" wow what an excellent description of the look of the Gilead scenes. That's exactly it now that I think about it.
"straight out of a Vermeer" wow what an excellent description of the look of the Gilead scenes. That's exactly it now that I think about it.
Yeah exactly. I was confused about that too. When I realized they were going to be getting in the trunk I thought… Well why couldn't they have that? Especially if he kept the photo albums which seemed the largest items in the bag.
Oh that's true. Now that I've thought about it more that's probably why they had that happen.I try not to think too much about the writers and how they are setting things up when i watch shows and just get caught up in it .but looking back it helped set up that walk with June at the head of them all - which i didn't…
Hah! Me too!
Ooh very good point about the Faustian bargain Serena made and the way her husband has sacrificed nothing but sees her differently now (smh at his comment to her after the gala she'd organized how he'd forgotten how amazing she was.)
And yeah that package of letters scene had me tearing up as June read them .Good…
Hah that made me laugh for some reason. Ofglen 2 had to get hit in the face just for the image of June at the center of the pack!
Yeah I was worried at the end of last episode about the baby incubator idea too. I mean at least she'd not be aware but ah the horror! Ironic that almost being stoned to death was better than what I'd imagined.
He embraces his wife's new world order, because it conveniently launched him into elite strata, and lots of unchecked power, even over her.
Exactly. I think he was worried after the wife asking for the worst punishment for her husband was taken into account by the main Commander guy.
I thought it would be Nick too, and I was wondering if June was worried it would be him.
I'm sure glad I had some space from watching Outlander s1 before watching this show. (I got to it late and haven't watched 2 yet…I needed a break!) I have to space out my "dark" shows with some lighter stuff. But yeah both Aunt Lydia and Jack Randall are up there on my "terrifying characters" list for sure.
Ooh that's a good point about us seeing Canada for the first time along with Moira! I would have liked to wipe my memory of the Luke ep and have that experience! Maybe if I share this show with others I should recommend they skip that episode.
YES!!! It would have been so powerful to just see Luke there at the end of that hallway if we all had been thinking he was dead! I agree they should have left his story for season 2.
Yeah I briefly pondered the fact that June might try to hit her really hard to knock her out. That's what Emily/Ofglen does in the book to that guy at the first Salvaging. She actually is the one who goes in first and later it's revealed that he was one of the resistance and she did that so he wouldn't suffer.
I KNOW! I guess she didn't know it'd be "to death" and thought they'd just chuck some rocks at her and then stop. Aww Janine. My heart!
Oh yeah I watched The Stoning of Soraya M as a teenager and wow I was traumatized by that stoning scene! It's such a prolonged way to kill someone and so so brutal. That's what I was thinking about when I saw the stones. I wasn't sure I could watch the rest of this ep but then when they refused I was so happy. And…
Yeah I laughed at Fred's after he suggested they should go easy on Putnam and no one agreed. Heh. Why did he think anyone would have his back? Like you said, hypocrites will always save themselves first!
Ah the license plate reveal! I was grinning madly at that too. The way she rubbed off the dust on the bottom and then the top and it was so suspenseful and I was holding my breath and then… omg Canada! The relief I felt. Wow.
I was hoping for castration tbh. What's one missing hand? He can still mess with his next handmaid.
Yeah I was relying on the fact that they couldn't kill the fertile females all through that scene. But then they hit Ofglen like that so that surprised me. (I was pleased she stood up actually. I expected her to go along with it because she seems to be okay with this society. So it was cool she was the first to stand…