
That's really great insight, thank you! The internet is full of pet owners talking about side effects they experienced but officially the side effects read as very minimal. My dog is in the middle of a 6 week regime so maybe my vet could switch him out, just in case.

Thank you!

He is on a pretty powerful dewormer at the moment (Drontal, the poor guy had a tapeworm!) and has been experiencing some side effects- he sleeps a lot and hasn't been eating very much since he started- but I can't find anything on the internet about behavioral changes.

Thank you for the link and the advice! I can't wait to read your blog. I hope my vet can recommend a good trainer. The one we used for basic obedience isn't going to cut it. I'm glad to hear you worked with your dog and she is still a part of your family- it gives me hope!

Love, please go see another doctor. That is way too much for anyone to handle without the support of a professional. I think your pattern after all that tragedy is totally normal but talking with someone who can help you through the grief and anxiety will be the best thing for you. I would like to toughen up your

Thank goodness! The police told me the same thing about what constitutes a major injury so this seems like a great resource. I am hoping we can have an animal behavioral expert help us but I'm not sure how you adjust such a step out of normal behavior.


The police did come today and information was taken last night at the ER as well. I may have misinterpreted what they said, but I believe they keep the information on file (and attached to his registration) awaiting a complaint. That being said, if anything ever happened again, we would have a much higher liability

Three other bits of information: He really is very gentile, sometimes he barks at strangers when they get to close to me but he has let other dogs bite him without retaliating. I pulled a tick off his face a few days ago and he didn't even flinch. He did just start medicine for a tapeworm last week and hasn't been

If there are any dog-loving Jezzies around tonight I could really use some help.

He said later in the same interview "I'm not Jewish, I don't have money like that."

The "absolutely relevant" Tweet has since been deleted. Thank you for getting it before he had a chance to walk it back.

Don't go back, it will only make you sad. Apparently there is a new Nick Carter reality show in the works so maybe that will be more of a kiss-and-tell of 90's stars, which is basically my dream.

Did you read the VF take down of Lou Pearlman a few years ago? The Carter mom is quoted pretty extensively and was totally aware of the abuse her sons faced. I know there are a lot of people who deserve our sympathies, but can you imagine having a mother who would put and keep you in that position for her own gain?

He is my most irrational celebrity crush! Whenever Signs is on, I watch it just long enough to see him flex (which he does constantly and I giggle like an idiot at the stupid alien movie).

My fiance and I were choosing our Game of Thrones style words the other day and for me he suggested "I'm Already Fucking Calm" which I would like to put on a t-shirt.

You know who makes jokes like that at his age? People who always get a laugh with their corny jokes because everyone around them is on their payroll.

I watched this again after (finally) watching the original video and I found it much funnier. I think if I had known how closely it mimicked a current song I would have found it hilarious at first glance but, alas, I am old. The cloud full of butts is funny at any age though, right? Can't you just picture a cloud full