
But it also doesn't provide an environment that would a positive place for a black woman to work and I think that is the larger issue. Imagine you are a talented black comedienne watching this week's episode. Would you really want to audition? They made Kerry Washington (talented, beautiful, acclaimed and very famous

She got the only 2 laughs from my house last night (the horse face and eins is the loneliest number). I can't help it, I just love her.

I'm sure it will be online soon, it was the highlight of the episode (well, I liked the digital short but only because the idea of a cloud full of butts tickled me so much that I am still giggling). I agree with you totally. I usually complain SNL is predictable with the subject matter it covers but they didn't even

You know, after the cold open I thought this thing might just turn out okay. The very next sketch after the monologue proved me wrong. It proved something else though- you couldn't ask for someone more talented and game than Kerry Washington but they gave her nothing to work with besides a bunch of tired and offensive

Are you kidding?? I have wanted a shikoku forever! I only knew one but that dog was smarter than I am. If your dream ever comes true, I volunteer to be your forever puppy babysitter.

My very adorable but only marginally obedient Akita proves your point. Also your other point about shedding- we have dog hair tumbleweeds around here if I skip a day of vacuuming.

No, I know that wasn't your intention and I agree that it seems like pretty convenient timing. She obviously stood by his side, lied for him, and supported him for a long time. I think the narrative she is telling is that getting away with murder emboldened him and that is the reason for his erratic behavior, which

I agree with you- this lady should have spoken up a LONG time ago, there is little chance this is new development. But this isn't a Oprah sit down or a sympathetic tell all, it sounds like she reported some scary shit and I really can't blame her for that. Now, I'm not saying she isn't the source quoted by Radar, but

That is exactly what I meant and I can do that to my hair! I am just not sure that I should.

I was thinking of going as Tina Turner this year! I just found out that I need to dress up tonight (um, I should check my voice mail more often) and was just going to wear something short and sparkly but the hair is what is getting me. I'm a white girl and would love to give myself some 80's hair but I think it might

I completely agree with you that Robin's character has gone downhill and I personally believe it happened after the actress who plays her became pregnant unexpectedly but then again I am a hater.

Maybe I'm just having a sensitive week, but when I hear Kanye (who I normally like!) say that he is more of a fashion icon than the President, I think of the women at my office saying things like "Yeah good thing she got a promotion, now she might be able to finally afford a designer bag."

Sorry for the double post, I just love women's rights and Rob Lowe.

It just evidence that we are almost through to the other side on his reign as a Thing and that the bottom will fall out soon, right?

I'm embarrassed to be so involved in this, but he was also driving when they were driving past the Sizzle Tan billboard.

I have a feeling this will be in the gray forever and it serves me right for caring too much about this but here goes.

I wish it was true that this is the worst thing he wrote. I have been on a internet hate-spiral all day and he is this hateful and troll-ish at all times. The good news is that I'm 100% sure at this point he is trying to get the maximum amount of internet fame so I would take this as his personal opinion with a major

Sorry for the double post. Kinja hates me :-(