I love it, but the shoes (while gorg on their own!) aren't doing this look many favors.
I love it, but the shoes (while gorg on their own!) aren't doing this look many favors.
I just don't think it fits her all that well, she needs shorter straps or more fashion tape.
No! It's a rather short heavy duty leash- maybe 4 feet? And no, my dog is an Akita but my neighbor's sweet pit gets the same treatment. On the other hand, my other neighbor has a Maltipoo which barks and nips and no one says anything. Sorry, that sounded bitter, maybe I need to reread the article and calm down!
I know this is different but I'm dealing with this situation right now.
The records aren't the money makers anymore. He had that stupid documentary (right? isn't that what they called that thing?) and has been on tour for years. I think he's said recently he doesn't have the time to record new music because his fans just want to hear the songs they know. He'll be singing Baby until he is…
Wow, was a graceful and mature response from Lorde. I know it's not complete unexpected coming from her but I think you are right, I think it is hard to be objective about your art. I think it is easy to get carried away or lazy and end up offending people. If you can evolve, I can give you a pass but Katy Perry is a…
Not to mention, she is an actress whose name has been dragged through the mud on account of his bad behavior. Between that and the amount of time she took off to bear/raise his children, it seems pretty cut and dry to me.
Sorry to jump into your convo, but you totally just changed my entire life.
I remember that too. The last time I had some one from Yelp pitch me was about a year ago and it was still the major feature. I assume whenever a place has only sparkling reviews that they pay Yelp a lot of money.
What a lovely and reasonable response! I don't know if folks outside the restaurant industry know that one of the benefits that Yelp offers if you advertise is automatically removing nonsense reviews like this (though I'm sure this jerk would argue his tidbit about the price at the end qualifies his review as…
If you don't use sex as currency in a relationship, you are doing it wrong.
I'll be waiting patiently. Orzo is in my top 5 when it comes to pasta shapes but I only know a few ways to use it.
You are usually so on point I hate to even question you, but if you start bringing this (http://www.choosy-beggars.com/index.php/2011…) pasta salad with you to events people will start offering to help you move. Seriously.
I remember Brandi saying something on the RHOBH about how LeAnn won't let him take jobs that require him to spend any significant amount of time apart from her and how his career and income have gone down the tubes. I think she may be overstating things and the bad press around his cheating probably have slowed his…
Slightly off topic but I can't hold this in:
Carlton and Joyce didn't get fired for not starting enough drama! There is no way, I don't believe that for a second. Every minute of their screen time was trying to start something! You could see them sweat, trying to make sure they were relevant at every stupid Housewive's gathering. And it was all boring- Joyce…
I get it. I relentlessly pursued my dream job which was full of lots of glamorous international travel. I loved every minute of the actual travel, I loved seeing the world and it made me grow up really fast. The actual work was mentally stimulating and I was good at it. I was exactly where I wanted to be.
She definitely knows where her bread is buttered and seems to be pretty determined to squeeze as much out of her daughter as possible. It seems like a lot of child stars have a parent that follows the same pattern and the isolation really fucks with the cash cow.
My theory is her people told her to be relatable. You know, a real cool girl- the type you want to have a beer with. And this is what she came up with, something that she thought would make her sound cool- to men. It's so try-hard I almost feel bad for her. You usually see sentiments like this from a 16 year old's…