
A Destiny expansion full of bugs and exploits?

You have to imagine that the only reason he restrained himself from typing part of today’s tweet in ALL CAPS was because there was nothing that really fit to capitalize, so he settled for just tacking on the inappropriate exclamation mark.

It’s the base skin tone for the material GSC uses for the Figma and Nendorois lines, easier on their part to just standardize the color of the figures so they don’t have to make extra colored batches for half the set, plus it means you can swap parts between the two without it looking weird.

They aren’t being marketed as Amiibo, Fahey was just comparing them to what they took inspiration from in designing these.

If Collins turns on Kavanaugh it’s not going to be because of abortion, although she may try to spin it that way a bit just to look good.

Ford builds cars in China because it saves them money. At least in theory hat means cheaper cars for people to buy or if they may not pass that money saved directly to American consumers then at the least they aren’t charging more to cover the extra costs that would have been associated with producing them in the US.

Removing him from the bench isn’t the only option available to dilute the power of unjustly placed justices. One proposed idea is that if Democrats manage to take full control of the government at some point they “stack the court” by confirming additional justices beyond the traditional nine.

First degree murder requires premeditation, second degree murder requires an understanding of ones actions.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are trying to find the New York Times anonymous op-ed perp on their own...

So if you were the prosecutor here you’d charge her with murder? Congratulations, you just made her lawyers day and got her a full acquittal.

Having an event aimed at women and non-binary people is not sexist, banning all men from said event is sexist. It’s possible to be inclusive withing having to exclude others.

sexist shitheads*

People were pissed off because they were being disenfranchised for Riot being a bunch of racist shitheads. The people that wanted to attend that panel didn’t do anything wrong other than being men but were excluded so Riot could pretend they cared about women.

They should have just patched in a fix and given everyone the bad news from the start.

Trump is never going to answer any questions, written or in person, about anything.

Trump couldn’t even handle a mock interview held by his own lawyers, he eventually snapped and screamed about hoaxes and went on a thirty minute long rant before deciding he didn’t want to testify any more.

That’s... pretty bullshit. Narratively it’s neat, but it’s a huge slap in the face to the people that spent so much time planning something that they thought had the support of the devs.

So wait, are you telling me that the text I got inviting me to a Bring Your Own (aborted) Baby satanic potluck/fundraiser were not from the official campaign?

They mean real as in not an obvious joke/pun when in context of what they attempted to do. A patsy is someone easily taken advantage of.

Those insane limits don’t actually exist to limit abortion. They’re purposefully made insane, unenforceable and sometimes unconstitutional purely so that they can eventually end up in the Supreme Court and then provide an opportunity to overturn Roe on a national level.