
My favorite part about the Ivanka/Bannon shouting match has to be her response to the “staff” comment.

The reason there’s an almost twenty year old study on the flooding risks of duck boats is because it’s been almost twenty years since the last time people actually died in a flooded duck boat. Each event was a tragedy but this isn’t a regular threat. The REAL threat of duck boats is that they’re giant blind spots on

Geralt is already in his late eighties early nineties in the books. Witchers don’t age like normal humans, an extra decade or however long it is between the books and game isn’t going to age him much more.

If Nike really wants to capitalize on this they need to be releasing as much merchandise as possible with Kapernick’s name and face plastered all over it. Sure idiots burning the stuff they already own is great for advertising but it’s even better when they’re going out to buy a new shit just to burn it.

It’s part pettiness and part savviness, proportions depending how smart or stupid you believe Trump is.

Another year another wrinkle added to the cursed painting he keeps locked away at a secret location.

More likely they’re using the FBI as a means of covering their asses for any possible wrongful death lawsuits filed by the families of the deceased. A jury may be skeptical of a private investigation ordered by the prison but bringing in the feds gives an extra layer of credibility.

The biggets problem I think is that Blizzard has gotten WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too into designing in order to facilitate flashy instant win conditions that look good on streams and at tournaments over actually promoting strategic game play. I remember back when I started a game was won bit by big, chunk of health by chunk

Blizzard is smart enough to see this shit, just as it says in the article they’ve bragged on multiple occasions prior to expansion releases about how certain cards were going to end up being meta defining in bad ways.

Sludge Belcher was at least counterable, you could silence it to avoid triggering the deathrattle at all and even if you couldn’t in an ideal situation it would only take one attack to kill the Belcher and one to kill the slime.

He doesn’t understand how “off the record” works.  It’s not just something you tack on as you’re blurting out something sensitive so you can brag about it while not having it go public, it has to be an agreement between the two parties. 

“No. One country, compelled by capitalism, by free people, with a vision, said we’re going to do this”

100% real

Of course he does, don’t forget his totally appropriate addition to the Yad Yashem Holocaust Memorial guest book.

A good Samaritan can’t call over two friends to help shoot an instructional video on how to fix up a strangers squeaky couch without people thinking they’re a bunch of perverts?

Is this really surprising? I mean the person that designed the initial map would have done so based on the themes Blizzard has already used for urban maps in order to you know... look like an overwatch map. When Blizzard comes around and makes an ACTUAL overwatch map using those same existing themes of course you’re

All he had to do was let the White House release a statement someone else had written up and not have said anything about the flag until McCain was in the ground and in his head he could have considered himself the winner of their little feud because McCain was dead and he was still alive.

It’s stupid, but also at the same time awesome because it’s a great example of Trump avoiding basic human decency out of some sort of twisted pride and then looking like a fool by just caving in anyway.

Well women can’t do anything right so there’s bound to be a few accidents in there.

Chicago’s failure isn’t in it’s ban on guns it’s the fact that it’s an island in the middle of a sea where you can go anywhere else to buy a gun. All you have to do is go outside the city limits where it’s perfectly legal to buy a gun and then go right back into the city.