Time for the usual round of politicians pressing F to give thoughts and prayers.
Time for the usual round of politicians pressing F to give thoughts and prayers.
Until the one that takes place inside the senate/house.
they still have a 50 to 49 majority, it just means that Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski don’t get to play their usual “will they or won’t they” game pretending one of them actually might care about people and will have to fall in line.
My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!
You’re acting as if delegates have been acting counter to the popular vote all this time. Excluding the 2008 fuck up caused by Michigan the last time a presidential nominee’s delegates didn’t match the popular vote was back in 1972, before they added super delegates, and the margin there was only 0.5%
Why gamble when you can rob and murder the bookie?
Just because it’s in the code doesn’t make it canonical, after all they ditched it for a reason and there’s no telling at what stage they decided to throw it away and just never removed it.
The resemblance is uncanny, I mean just look at the eyes and nose... they each have two and one of each respectively.
You’re joking but actually not far off. They actually believe that Obama, Hillary etc are all in the process of undergoing secret trials but are allowed to go about their daily lives while wearing ankle monitors.
Seriously? Your entire reasoning is that having siblings makes you an expert in child psychology and that the police obviously set up the black kids to fail so they could save the sex offender they themselves went searching for and brought in?
Since these puzzles are all specifically authored and static, there’s almost no replay value, especially when compared with a randomized mode like the Monster Hunt or Dungeon Run.
Some sort of drug fueled spree perhaps? You have the incident at the elementary school minutes before the crash and reports of additional incidents involving the car. That or some sort of psychotic break, though that’s more difficult to test a corpse for.
Wait... why does the parent need a script to follow? Is Danny tied to a chair with some terrorists listening in on his phone call?
It’s going to be really unfortunate when he loses...
“And by the way, he pled to two counts that aren’t a crime, which nobody understands. I watched a number of shows—sometimes you get some pretty good information by watching shows—those two counts aren’t even a crime. They weren’t campaign finance.”
When a White man kills somebody, society blames that one man.
Trump also claimed in the interview that he knew “later on” about the payments, but has previously said he wasn’t aware of them.
None of this means that Trump will definitely go to jail or even be slapped with a fine
People that use the term “third world” aren’t even using the fucking thing correctly.