Tempest Wing

The Reindeer is Spain was hit mainly by the plane.

The problem with resetting is that they would have had to age up Franco every time they reset. Because while time resets, Jake still ages normally. So I think they just thought it would have been too expensive to do that.

Ironically Kotaku seems to be the only site that may actually survive since it appears to be partly owned by one of the writers/editor.

Where castle?

Ideas on who the 68th character is:
1. A background character
2. An established character that wasn't supposed to be in the movies originally but was squeezed in at the last second.
3. A new character that will be introduced in the post credits scene.
3.Howard the Duck
4. Deadpool.

I never liked Chris Brown nor his music, but ever since news of him beating Rihanna came out years ago. I dislike him even more.

She's supposedly in Penny Dreadful.

What are the chances that people will get up in arms and scream about this film being about witchcraft? Also, does anybody else feel like the magic circle is a bit weird looking? Shouldnt magic circles have pentagrams in them and such?

Pull up a chair and wait with the rest of us along with the Doctor's Daughter spin-off and the Strax, Vastra and Jenny spin-off.

I want to see how you guys react to the last scene in the last episode because I feel like that could either be a love it or hate it kind of thing. For me, I'm cautiously optimistic to see how they handle the show further assuming a second season is made.

I know it's supposed to be a comic-book show, but Jessica's actions don't make sense. She feels traumatized for killing Luke's wife, but then at the same time doesn't realize that MORE people are dying by letting Kilgrave live. Her friends and neighbors end up getting dragged into all this unnecessarily all because

Another review for Marvel's "Fucking and Crying" the netflix series. Seriously though. I felt like this show really didn't know what it was doing half the time. The first few episodes was just straight out of HBO for no reason other than to be "adult". Unlike Fisk, I really didn't feel like Kilgrave was much of a real

Every copy of the doctor does the exact same thing up until the point where it wouldn't be possible. The doctor saying he's 7,000 years in the future, 10,000, 1,000,000 etc and also up until he can no longer see Clara's painting because of erosion, as such it stands to reason that he would spill the same "secrets"

Frank's dickishness can be explained away as "his sister, niece and nephew got gassed and he's a jew", but yeah.

I don't think Joe shot him because they're still part of the same "team" so to speak. They're both Nazis. If Joe went back to New York and told Smith he killed the Marshall, Smith would probably get pissed.

Where was Ant-Man? I was actively looking all over and pausing to see if he was there running with Cap in miniature, but nope.

Is that a young Ronald Reagan on the top left? Was he ever a spokesperson for cigarettes?

I remember one of the characters saying that they are sending them to him. In return he gives the resistance information that can help them..

Why bother watching it and get invested if it'll just get cancelled. EVERY Syfy show ends up getting cancelled. EVENTUALLY.

Don't forget the Gizka. The Star Wars universe's version of Tribbles. Even the quest involving the Gizka is called "Trouble with Gizka".