Tempest Wing

Well, it looks like omeone got high on wacky prehistoric fruit.

Oh my god is John Simm gonna be 13?

I'm kind of confused about the doctor not knowing about scifi movies like Terminator and Alien when previously 10 or 11 mentioned having having movies in the tardis, you'd think he'd had already seen all the great movies in human existence. About the episode: It wasn't very good. The black guy dies and we're meant to


The president is orange.

You've obviously never visited the Best Buy closest to me. It's in a wealthier city and the last time I was there it was packed with people young and old. But mostly young.

The music was on point this season. The last song that played while Jack was under the cherry blossom was a beauty and would love to hear the entire thing.

Except for that one episode where Jack showed Ashi corpses to show her how evil Aku is. And that one time when beared Jack finds a bunch of corpses in a village with scareamouche.

I wish the BBC would invest in better special effects. I mean if The Expanse, a Syfy show has better effects, then you know you're really cheaping out.

It's so…colorful and bright. Where are all the muted colors and dark stylized fonts?

Butting heads? But I thought Peridot, who's a gem, has no gender.

You mean "Gahnet."

I bet the CGs did go back for them and were probably still in the ship when Connie started telling them what happened while they were gone.

Is it weird that the only reason I actually liked American Apparel was because of its' audacity to have its' models show pubic hair, vulvas and nipples?

They just said August. They never specified a day.


Yeah. Australia is the only place so far that got a Blu-Ray release unfortunately.

You wont like the colo(u)r.

Why does he look like a giant lumpy turd with teeth?

Mmm. Crystal Pepsi!