Tempest Wing

There should be an episode where the doctor realizes he's inside a tv show and isn't real.

I thought with the doctor saying over and over how none of what was happening made any sense that it would be revealed they were inside those morpheus pods the entire time sharing the same "dream", but then I realized they had already done that in the previous christmas special. This episode wasn't very good…

Reading from the comments, was I the only one who felt Capaldi's speech started to get a bit tedious and long after a while? I started thinking to myself while watching that, "Yes yes we get it war is bad, next?"

I know right? At least once. I mean he did that to Vincent Van Goph so why not Ashildyr?

I'd be game for an episode involving Q taking them to the original universe/mirror universe/introducing them to the borg a few centuries too early for whatever reason.

To be fair, Clara has been acting weird this entire season so far. So much so that we've had a couple episodes address it already that she's becoming more like the doctor.

What made the joke worse was that they were later taken away in a suspicious van.

Are you my Zygon mummy?

As I understand it, Zygons also take the personality of the person they copy. I think Zygon Clara was just the end point of this whole season's arc about Clara acting more and more inhuman toward other people, so much so, that the zygon copy is basically using that to its' advantage.

I wasn't really feeling this season, but this episode was certainly one of the best in my opinion. It was deeply personal in its' portrayal of very human interactions and frailty. The church scene was especially good. In hindsight though, they really couldn't just shoot them in the legs at such close range? I would

For an 18 year old. Maisie looks really young. I couldn't take her seriously in her highwayman getup. She looked like a little kid about to go trick-or-treating with Grandpa Capaldi.

Everybody likes this episode while I'm just "meh". I thought it was fine. I really felt like the whole "reviving maisie just because" was tacked on because the episode felt like it was already over when the Mire left. I'm kinda disappointed with how they treated Maisie's predicament with being hooked up to a big goofy

Would you rather have had the shrieking eels?

I think Moffat is doing it on purpose. Anybody who's remotely a fan of the doctor ends up dying.

If the Doctor's ghost was just a hologram, how was it able to open the faraday cage?
Anybody else hear a public domain cat scream at the end when Cass was listening for vibrations?

When it comes to summoning their weapons, I think the gems in homeworld have grown to not use their weapons and have instead accustomed themselves to machines. I'm basing this solely on Peridot never actually summoning her own weapon and instead using her limb enhancers.

Anybody else bothered about the ship's missing power source and other doodads that everybody suddenly forgot about?

"I have been his best friend since he was a little girl." -Missy. Favorite line.

Sadie's an adult. If she didn't like what was being done to her she should have said something from the beginning and that would have been it. Sadie's behavior throughout the episode just felt strange to me like that of a child. Also, I just didn't care what was happening. Throughout the entire franchise we've only

I didn't really like this episode. I just didn't care what was happening with Sadie and thought she was overreacting at the end.