Tempest Wing

I feel like someone should make a movie that's a rated R meta-comedy ala Cabin in the Woods based on a Goosebumps book like One Day at Horrorland or Welcome to Camp Nightmare.

I can't wait for the new Sleeping Beauty film 'Sleepy'.

Is it gonna feature Pervert Woody getting his plastic on with Bo Peep while she loses her sheep?

Jeez. Will Smith seems to be taking the whole "nobody liked After Earth" pretty hard.

Is it weird that I didn't find any of the videos funny besides the one for The producers?

Next you'll be telling me that Frankenstein's name is pronounced Fronkensteen.

With all these stupid movie adaptions coming out, when are we gonna get the eventual The AV Club: The Movie?

And by Tie-in book, you mean Tie-in MANGA, right?

Anybdy else think the whole viral video superstar angle is a bit too 2009? I think after Justin's Beaver made it using that method, it kinda ruined it for everybody else? Or am I wrong?

I saw the video of him doing the Herman Cain impression, it really wasn't that bad. It also wasn't funny either. Could Wyatt have been genuinely outraged over it? Sure. But I also think Stewart made a good point when he said Wyatt never voiced complaints when Stewart made impressions of other people and their ethnic

I know what they were trying to say when it came to the images on the right. Yes, the images on the left are mostly unrealistic. I say mostly because I'm willing to bet there are people who look like Tifa and the bikini girl on the left. But, the women on the images on the right just look too pudgy for to me. Which

I don't know guys, I was kinda disappointed with this episode. (Copy and Pasted my comment from reddit): With the way this week has been in terms of how Garnet and Pearl's
problems have been portrayed as being, this episode felt kind of a let
down for me. It feels like the problem was resolved through coincidence

Reddit, this comment's section, the forums of the SU wiki.


What's with the SU fandom's fascination with autism? First Onion now Pearl? Who's next Centipeedle?!

Pearl cheering Steven on warmed my heart. She's such a mom!

I occurs to me, wouldnt the best person to resolve Garnet and Pearl's situation be Sardonyx herself since she's the physical combination of both? She'd have insight into both Garnet and Pearl's points of views and be able to reconcile between them.

So wait, if any of the gems end up fusing with Steven, would that be considered pedophilia? 0_0

Was anybody else reminded of Star's wand in Star vs the Forces of Evil when they showed Sardonyx's war hammer?

Steven Universe also airs today.