Tempest Wing

Isnt The Third Man the title for a Twilight Zone episode?

So they settled out of court. That just makes them look even more guilty.

This house is getting too damn full!


Killer Croc looks like an uglier Ben from the 2000s Fantastic 4 movies. The guy on the far right looks like he came from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, everybody else either look like rejected Resident Evil characters or cosplayers. Seriously though this is supposed to be a movie, their designs look like they could be for

Hey now, their Catwoman character design is the best I've seen.

She kinda looks like the Harley from the Arkham games.

I'd be a happy little dude if they just went and said fuck it we'll do it live and did KOTOR the movie. Or KOTOR the series. I need to not care more about Carth's bullshit dammit.

Playing devil's advocate here, but maybe the problem is not so much their noses, but the fact that the heads of female characters are so small to begin with, that any nose bigger than what they already have would make their faces look weird.

But drinking as has been shown in star wars and in marvel movies is a-okay kids!

Mabel's predicament was really heartbreaking. But like another commenter pointed out, I wonder how Mabel's and Dipper's relationship will turn out after she decided to trust Stan over Dipper. I hope they address that, for drams.

This is no bueno.

And if you zoom in real close you'll be able to see Ant-Man with a middle finger in the air riding a flying ant.

Just make it as rediculous and over the top as Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon and you have a winner. 80s nostalgia, electric guitars, cyberninjas, eyepatch gun toting cybercommandos.

Just go to In-n-out ya dorks.

Off to rule34 with you then. buh-bye! *waves hankerchief*

LOKS2 also has the Avatar Wan episodes. Two of the absolute best episodes I've ever seen in Avatar.