Here's the..."Credit Card"

Dog Bites Man was great.

Since when do people refer to Nine Inch Nails and just "Nails?"

I distinctly remember that episode because Nigel Tufnel picked the Panama Canal for one of his choices. Such a stupid thing to remember.

I've always had this vision of a super metal dude buying Bat Out of Hell based on the cover alone and being sorely disappointed when he puts it on his turntable.

But but but I bought a shirt that says "Can't sleep, clown will eat me" and have no clue it's a Simpsons reference!

Mondo made an awesome sweater with that pattern on it but I could never justify the price.

Well, horror movies still to this day rip off the fast-shaking head motif, so there's that…

That's just nitpicking.

The bathroom beating scene always kills me. The police sketch of Carrey that turns up in the next scene is hysterical.

Waxwork is so good. Might have to re-watch it now.

How anyone could stomach listening to Saetia in 2016 is beyond me.

His "What's in My Bag" was pretty solid. Blow Out and Class of 1984 are great picks.

I love The Ghost Map so much.

I'm also a big fan of Steven Johnson's The Ghost Map.

Urban farm animals, such as a cow in your attic didn't help much either.

Punishers are the fucking worst.

I can corroborate this statement. When you can find a copy of Rumours at a store they're usually 10 bucks or more and sell almost instantly. Really bizarre.

Same here. Choirs of the Eye had that one cool song (everyone knows the one) and I had no clue they were still a band.

Combos are repulsive. Though I'm sure a lot of that has to do with the fact that I puked after eating them as a kid and could never shake that trauma.

We'll be right bark?