Here's the..."Credit Card"

It's amazing how the duo of Mark Lannegan and Josh Homme churned out such a turd of a theme song.

Looking forward to the Blanck Mass track.

The Thou track from last year's edition was easily the best of the lot.

Directed by Georgy Porgy.

And the new Perturbator record is unbelievable.

Chillwave is old news, pops.

And Perturbator.

Fuck you.

All of the reviews will talk about evolving and maturing but all this record is in the end is lame. Just a colossal disappointment.

No Michael J. Anderson is something I missed in the earlier articles and is the one I find most egregious.

I had an embarrassing phase in high school where I was super into Dying Fetus. Weird thing was that discovering them got me out of nu metal. Life is weird.

Perturbator's Uncanny Valley will be the album of the month if not the year.

Respectfully disagree. Virtually everything I love about White Lung has been missing from these songs. Especially Anne Marie's drums which sounds like a drum machine.

Man has hot takes on hipsters in 2016.

We Are Still Here is a pretty solid recent horror film. Check it.

The big problem with Del Toro is that he's always attached to awesome projects that never happen.

You're halfway there. You gotta say "VHS player" to truly show your youth and bewilderment.

Hope this is a bit better than his last couple specials which were pretty weak all around. Though, I doubt he'll ever top 222 which might be my favorite stand up album of all time, Just so over the top, long and drunk.

My Bloody Valentine 3D was great because it had 3D running boobs and 3D Tom Atkins.

Wow. Haven't heard that record since high school. Might have to revisit it.