
Discord is not a forum replacement, it’s an IRC replacement. It fundamentally does not serve the same purpose (and also has about one two thousandth the participation rate last I checked).

Honestly more concerned with him ignoring people contacting him and other members of Gearbox asking where the TTW subforum is.

Terrible trend. Even the move away from it has made a horrible mess of announcement videos/trailers/etc the rest of the year. Frankly, while there were a lot of valid criticisms of E3, the alternative hasn’t exactly sold itself.

 Probably going to pick it up on sale honestly, maybe after it comes to Steam. That said more concerned lately with whether Gearbox is shutting down their forums, given we still don’t have a TTW section.

So, weird random question - how many people play games at launch these days as opposed to say five or ten years ago? I feel like it’s lower, but this could be anecdotal.

Honestly I think this is more of a side effect than the problem itself - which is largely movement away from PC specific UIs in favor of developing console UIs then minimally retrofitting them to PC. PC UIs should be designed for PC, this would work better if you started from the more complicated UI platform (PC) and

On the plus side the closest thing I had to hype for this was idle curiosity about their comment that they couldn’t make this game before due to lack of tech, but it looks like even that was a throwaway. Looking like another ‘buy it on sale’ honestly.

Yeah agreed, this seems offensive to both people who work in that industry and patronize it. The other problems are serious, this one seems more like an issue with how people view strippers/pornstars.

That seasonal sale/launch one is weird. Does that mean in effect that unless a game launches in mid November or earlier they can’t be discounted during the winter sale? Odd.

I’ve said things like this before, but Kotick seems to be emblematic of modern CEOs. The bizarre combination of incompetence and corruption while profiting massively despite dragging everyone else down makes him similar to an actual business version of Trump. Failing upwards, given a face.

Yeah, still despise them - so to be clear this has progression?

To be clear, this is a roguelike? Your comparison to Hades makes me unsure if this is a roguelike or roguelite, and one of the two I play and the other I don’t.

Well, that confused the fuck out of me since DALL-E is completely inaccessible to the public. I finally found out what happened in the reddit thread - people are confusing ruDALL-E with DALL-E (they are not the same).

As far as NerfNow, in contrast with this Genshin Impact could really use a skip button.

Honestly, I got Lichdom: Battlemage as a AAA title vibes myself. That said, I was interested beforehand, and interested after. It didn’t really much change my attitude, except maybe tempering some early expectations and being impressed by some of the animations for things like the spellcasting implements.

Pretty much, I was one of the people who defended them early on. Money or not, AAA game development takes time. When they had nothing to show but fundraising after half a decade though, after work supposedly began before announcement? There are reasonable limits.

Well, this solved a minor mystery for me (namely why my butter dish is so shallow that butter sticks to the top). Apparently it’s designed for longer, shorter sticks

Cheers thanks, I tried to thank Luke the other day and this happened. So that does explain some things.

So, what the fuck. Is your post only showing up in the greys now and only visible through clicking through feeds for everyone, or is it just me? Because this isn’t the first time I’ve run into posts seemingly being deleted, and I can’t even tell if this is due to Kinja or deliberate.

I think a lot of us are here at this point out of an odd combination of nostalgia, vague hope, and habit. I don’t even really think about my Kotaku tab most of the time, it’s been part of my Firefox window for so long it’s not really something I consider, but then things like this happen. And I’m reminded of how few